BRING IT!!!!!!
That's what Tony Horton, creator of "P90X" told me to do, so I did it! LOL! Today was the first day of the 90 day P90X Lean Program. This 60-minute cardio and strength training session, brought the sweat, the pain, and the endorphins! Core Synergistics focuses on strengthening your powerhouse, which for me right now, is more of a spare tire than a powerhouse. ;-0 Filled with variations on push ups, squats, lunges, and an upper body weight routine, Tony brings the variety and the challenge in every move. When I first started my journey last year, "P90X" was a part of the plan. Today I noticed that I didn't have to modify my movement as much as I did when I tried it the first time. I could do the jumping jacks in the warm up and I only skipped two of the exercises rather than skipping 6 of them, as in the past. Although the routine was still challenging, I was able to keep up with Tony and his crew and felt whipped but not defeated when it was all over.
Check out Mr. Tony Horton and his answer with Fox 5 Atlanta!
My eating habits today were good and didn't leave me with hunger pains. The day started off with a bit of a stressful situation but I didn't seek out a remedy in food. My energy level was higher than normal and I felt great as I headed out the door towards my workout for this afternoon. Today was a very good day and I'm looking forward to the next 89 days of "P90X!" Feel free to join me. ;-)
My Word for Today: Endurance
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 30 - January 30, 2011
The Calm Before the...P90X!
Tomorrow, I begin my first round of 90 days with Tony Horton's "P90X!" I'm excited and a little apprehensive at the same time. ;-0 I've done the routine before but never consistently and although I saw good results the first time, I'm pumped to see what will happen when I complete an entire 90 days. This round is the Lean routine that promotes weight loss. I also purchased a copy of "Big Book of Food and Nutrition," to learn more about healthier eating habits. It's just as informative as the Exercise book from the same series. I tossed and turned over whether or not I would continue my early morning routine of the "10-Minute Trainer" and meditation at 5a.m., but I think I'm going to start this workout routine with a single workout on a daily basis instead of the doubles routine I've been doing. So wish me luck as I bring it...with P90XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!
My Word for Today: Preparation
Tomorrow, I begin my first round of 90 days with Tony Horton's "P90X!" I'm excited and a little apprehensive at the same time. ;-0 I've done the routine before but never consistently and although I saw good results the first time, I'm pumped to see what will happen when I complete an entire 90 days. This round is the Lean routine that promotes weight loss. I also purchased a copy of "Big Book of Food and Nutrition," to learn more about healthier eating habits. It's just as informative as the Exercise book from the same series. I tossed and turned over whether or not I would continue my early morning routine of the "10-Minute Trainer" and meditation at 5a.m., but I think I'm going to start this workout routine with a single workout on a daily basis instead of the doubles routine I've been doing. So wish me luck as I bring it...with P90XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!
My Word for Today: Preparation
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day 29 - January 29, 2011
Yes, today was another dance party for the weak and weary.
LOL! I wasn't sure if my body was going to hold up to another day of high energy cardio, but with a smoothie for breakfast and few sips of an Energy Drink, I was ready to Zumba! We were about 15 minutes late for the class, but the 45 minute workout that we received was enough to get the heart pumping, the sweat pouring, and the body aching. My knees were screaming for a sit down but my spirit was flying high! ;-)
This week culminates my first month of this new healthy attitude and although I've stumbled and tripped over my own two feet from time to time, I know that I'm committed to a healthier way of living because it just feels sooooo good.
As I move into next week's workout routine, I've decided to switch up my program again and return to a workout series that jump-started my weight/inches loss last year, Tony Horton's "P90X." My goal is to do this program for the next 9 months. There are three variations of the program: (1) The Classic, for strength building, (2) The Lean, for weight loss, and (3) The Doubles, for pure athletes looking for an extreme workout. ;-) My plan is to do The Lean version first, then The Classic, and to wrap things up with The Doubles. ;-0 Pray for me, because I'm going to need all the prayers and strength I can get to stay committed, strong, and successful with this program.
My Word for Today: Commitment
Yes, today was another dance party for the weak and weary.
LOL! I wasn't sure if my body was going to hold up to another day of high energy cardio, but with a smoothie for breakfast and few sips of an Energy Drink, I was ready to Zumba! We were about 15 minutes late for the class, but the 45 minute workout that we received was enough to get the heart pumping, the sweat pouring, and the body aching. My knees were screaming for a sit down but my spirit was flying high! ;-)
This week culminates my first month of this new healthy attitude and although I've stumbled and tripped over my own two feet from time to time, I know that I'm committed to a healthier way of living because it just feels sooooo good.
As I move into next week's workout routine, I've decided to switch up my program again and return to a workout series that jump-started my weight/inches loss last year, Tony Horton's "P90X." My goal is to do this program for the next 9 months. There are three variations of the program: (1) The Classic, for strength building, (2) The Lean, for weight loss, and (3) The Doubles, for pure athletes looking for an extreme workout. ;-) My plan is to do The Lean version first, then The Classic, and to wrap things up with The Doubles. ;-0 Pray for me, because I'm going to need all the prayers and strength I can get to stay committed, strong, and successful with this program.
My Word for Today: Commitment
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 28 - January 28, 2011
It's Time to Party...
That's what Chalean says from's "Turbo Jam Cardio Party" DVD workout.
But my body felt more like taking a nap and calling it quits. LOL! This is my fourth workout day this week and my second workout for the day. This morning, I kicked off the day with another one of Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" workouts. Today was legs all around because Tony started with a tough leg routine and Chalean ended the day with round kicks, back kicks, front kicks, kicks, and more kicks. ;-0 As much as I dreaded the 45-minute workout, I have to honestly say that it was worth it! By the end of the workout, I felt sore, but happy!
Tomorrow, I finish the 5 day workout routine with Zumba! Now that's going to be a really great party! Hopefully, the body will make it for this last day.
My Word for Today: Party!!!!
That's what Chalean says from's "Turbo Jam Cardio Party" DVD workout.
But my body felt more like taking a nap and calling it quits. LOL! This is my fourth workout day this week and my second workout for the day. This morning, I kicked off the day with another one of Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" workouts. Today was legs all around because Tony started with a tough leg routine and Chalean ended the day with round kicks, back kicks, front kicks, kicks, and more kicks. ;-0 As much as I dreaded the 45-minute workout, I have to honestly say that it was worth it! By the end of the workout, I felt sore, but happy!
Tomorrow, I finish the 5 day workout routine with Zumba! Now that's going to be a really great party! Hopefully, the body will make it for this last day.
My Word for Today: Party!!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 27 - January 27, 2011
Those are the sounds that I heard in the wee hours of this morning as I struggled with Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" video. This session focused on the core and let me tell ya, those 10 minutes couldn't go by any slower! ;-0 The following video is just an example of what I sounded like this morning and is also a promo from my latest obsessive weight loss TV program. LOL!
Oh well, I haven't given up and I don't plan on doing so. This is a lifestyle change in the making and I realize that I'm going to tumble and fall, but the important thing is that I get back up.
I love that DVD and looking forward to loosening up my buttons with the girls. LOL! I'll report back tonight on that experience. ;-) 7::39PM - After the was GREAT! At first, I thought the strength training was too easy because I was able to get through it without much struggle. But when I started the Pussycat Dolls workout, I was glad that the strength training wasn't too difficult, because the PD made up for it. Those hip gyrations, dips, squats, jumping jacks, and belly rolling, got the sweat pouring, the heart racing, and hopefully the calories a burning! LOL!
Those are the sounds that I heard in the wee hours of this morning as I struggled with Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" video. This session focused on the core and let me tell ya, those 10 minutes couldn't go by any slower! ;-0 The following video is just an example of what I sounded like this morning and is also a promo from my latest obsessive weight loss TV program. LOL!
Although the workout was challenging, I still felt that great sense of euphoria after it was over and the welcoming calm of a 30 minute meditation was greatly appreciated. ;-) The exercise and meditation was a great jump start to my work day. I even skipped up the steps to the front door of my job and handled the first few hours of sour puss or deadline challenged co-workers with ease. It doesn't hurt that there's one more day to go for the work week and then on to the weekend. Yeah!!! LOL!
Last night was fairly challenging to my resolve of eating better or at least less. Unfortunately, I loss the battle. I had an extra sandwich and some cookies after I had already had my dinner of fake fried tofu/fish, coleslaw, red potatoes, and hush puppies. Everything was nicely proportioned for dinner but in the end, I was still HUNGRY!!! It's amazing how hungry you get when you're eating healthy. It's something about healthy food that just doesn't FILL YOU UP.
Yet, when you eat bad food, no matter how little, it explodes into your stomach and fills you up like an air balloon...yeah, that's how your stomach feels and looks...unfortunately. ;-(

Today is strength training for biceps/triceps/forearms and cardio with the Pussycat Dolls' core workout.

My Word for Today: Breathe
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 26 - January 26, 2011
One of my blog friends recommended the Web site: to me a few weeks ago and I've added it to my list of favorites. ;-) I had previously seen the online personality's (Zuzana) videos on and thought she was amazing even then. But after viewing her Web site each day for the latest challenge, food tips, and gym equipment suggestions, I'm inspired even more. The Web site was designed to celebrate the freedom and flexibility of working out at home. It also emphasizes how you can get a great workout within 20 minutes. Zuzana uses the HIIT approach (High Intensity Interval Training) and although I haven't dared perform any of these exercises yet, I have bookmarked them in my mind for future use. LOL!
What I have decided to try immediately is some of the workout tools that Zuzana uses and recommends. The first one is the Gymboss Interval Timer.
The GYMBOSS is a small, easy to use, repeating interval timer. This multi-use timer has many versatile functions that make it beneficial to virtually any type of exercise program. I'm going to use it with my strength training workouts to make sure I don't take too many extra pauses between moves and to keep the pace fast enough to get a good workout. Eventually, I will also use it with other creative workouts that I'm bookmarking for when I'm stronger and have more endurance.
My next delivery is a Cardio Belt that I can use with the Door Resistance Band kit that I have. Within Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" workouts, he uses the Cardio Belt for some great core and upper body techniques.
One of my blog friends recommended the Web site: to me a few weeks ago and I've added it to my list of favorites. ;-) I had previously seen the online personality's (Zuzana) videos on and thought she was amazing even then. But after viewing her Web site each day for the latest challenge, food tips, and gym equipment suggestions, I'm inspired even more. The Web site was designed to celebrate the freedom and flexibility of working out at home. It also emphasizes how you can get a great workout within 20 minutes. Zuzana uses the HIIT approach (High Intensity Interval Training) and although I haven't dared perform any of these exercises yet, I have bookmarked them in my mind for future use. LOL!
What I have decided to try immediately is some of the workout tools that Zuzana uses and recommends. The first one is the Gymboss Interval Timer.
The GYMBOSS is a small, easy to use, repeating interval timer. This multi-use timer has many versatile functions that make it beneficial to virtually any type of exercise program. I'm going to use it with my strength training workouts to make sure I don't take too many extra pauses between moves and to keep the pace fast enough to get a good workout. Eventually, I will also use it with other creative workouts that I'm bookmarking for when I'm stronger and have more endurance.
My next delivery is a Cardio Belt that I can use with the Door Resistance Band kit that I have. Within Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" workouts, he uses the Cardio Belt for some great core and upper body techniques.
The Cardio Belt is a must have for anyone who wants to get more out of their fitness cables. With the Cardio Belt looped through cable handles you can resist running, lateral slides, back peddling, broad jumps and crawling. With the use of the belt you can add conditioning movements to your strength training!
I'm also excited about this new workout tool because I think it will really increase the intensity of my workouts. Notice I'm saying this now before actually trying it out. LOL! I'll keep you posted if both tools are worth the shipping cost and delivery time. ;-0
I'm a little lethargic today and sort of glad that today is a freeby from working out. Tomorrow it's back to three days on of strength training and cardio and I'm really looking forward to my Zumba workout at the gym on Saturday. I don't remember if I told you about my last DVD purchases of "Zumba" and the "Brazilian Butt Lift." LOL! Well since I loved the actual Zumba group fitness classes, I thought I could incorporate it at home anytime I wanted to by purchasing the "Zumba Fitness" DVD. I also wanted to work on reshaping the glutes and thought the Beachbody DVD, "Brazilian Butt Lift" would do the trick. But both turned out to be less than idea and not worth the $60 a piece that they cost. So I quickly shipped those two back after the Christmas holiday and decided to postpone anymore workout DVD purchases for awhile! LOL!
My Word for Today: Rest
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 25 - January 25, 2011
Okay, okay, I'm really trying to rhyme here or be clever with blog titles. LOL! Today was a lighter workout day for me and I was glad. Although I enjoy working out, I find that alternating days of intense with less intense workouts really does my body good. ;-) I still did my morning 10-minute workout with Tony Horton and meditation, and then did another cardio session this evening with an oldie but goodie, VHS Tape of Sugar Ray Leonard's "Boxout - The New Way To Exercise with Sugar Ray Leonard."
Don't let the 90's cover and the name Sugar Ray Leonard fool you, it's not just ole school aerobics, but a great cardio workout with less intensity like the new HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts. It's great for the upper body, abs, glutes, and legs, and if you need to get rid of some negative energy or anger, it's a great tool to do that as well. I increase the intensity of the workout by using standard boxing gloves. The extra weight of the gloves really gives my upper body a workout. Click here if you STILL have a VHS player, and you want to get a copy of the tape. LOL!
When the workout was over, I had broken a sweat, the endorphins had kicked in, and I was thankful for my second day of exercise after a two-week long hiatus. My eating habits were also very good even though as I write this blog entry, I secretly (I guess not that much of a secret) long for something sweet. ;-0 Tomorrow is my rest day before another three days of cardio and strength training. I worry a little that the extra time might be more of a temptation not to eat well, but I'm going to do my best to maintain my resolve to stay on the right track. Pray for me. ;-)
My Word for Today: Perserverance
Okay, okay, I'm really trying to rhyme here or be clever with blog titles. LOL! Today was a lighter workout day for me and I was glad. Although I enjoy working out, I find that alternating days of intense with less intense workouts really does my body good. ;-) I still did my morning 10-minute workout with Tony Horton and meditation, and then did another cardio session this evening with an oldie but goodie, VHS Tape of Sugar Ray Leonard's "Boxout - The New Way To Exercise with Sugar Ray Leonard."
Don't let the 90's cover and the name Sugar Ray Leonard fool you, it's not just ole school aerobics, but a great cardio workout with less intensity like the new HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts. It's great for the upper body, abs, glutes, and legs, and if you need to get rid of some negative energy or anger, it's a great tool to do that as well. I increase the intensity of the workout by using standard boxing gloves. The extra weight of the gloves really gives my upper body a workout. Click here if you STILL have a VHS player, and you want to get a copy of the tape. LOL!
When the workout was over, I had broken a sweat, the endorphins had kicked in, and I was thankful for my second day of exercise after a two-week long hiatus. My eating habits were also very good even though as I write this blog entry, I secretly (I guess not that much of a secret) long for something sweet. ;-0 Tomorrow is my rest day before another three days of cardio and strength training. I worry a little that the extra time might be more of a temptation not to eat well, but I'm going to do my best to maintain my resolve to stay on the right track. Pray for me. ;-)
My Word for Today: Perserverance
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 24 - January 24, 2011
That's what Jack LaLanne encouraged people to do throughout his career as the fitness guru of all time. Today, as I got my daily dose of updates from before the start of the work day, I learned that Jack LaLanne had died at the age of 96. Although I never watched him when I was younger, I remember the spoofs that Jim Carey did of him on "In Living Color," and I remember his juicer phase. But what I learned about Mr. LaLanne in an article today regarding his crusade for healthy living resonated with my goal to make exercise and diet a lifestyle and not just a temporary thang.
Jack LaLanne was a trailblazer who helped others empower themselves through physical fitness. He opened the doors for athletes as well as women to strength train during a time when it was forbidden or frowned upon. He was a testament of what a healthy lifestyle can do for you even well past your prime. And now, even in death, he is still inspirational to me and for many others. He believed that the only way we could hurt our bodies is by not using them.
After reading that article, I was glad that I had made the decision to use my body and complete a 10-minute workout and a 30-minute meditation session this morning. It was the premiere of what was to come later on this evening. Throughout the day, I felt energized, happy, and ready to do more. It wasn't until close to quitting time did I feel a little lethargic, but that was quickly replaced when I started my second workout for the day. Today's evening workout included 40 minutes of leg strength training and 20 minutes of core and cardio with The Firm's "The Wave."
I was wiped out after the challenging leg routine so I decided to do the express workout from "The Wave" in hopes that it would be a quick and easier routine than the longer 40-minute version. But what I'm beginning to realize is that just because a workout routine is short doesn't mean that it's easy, in fact, be prepared for a high energy, fast-paced, challenging workout if it's less than 30 minutes! But I'm not complaining. Even though I struggled at the end, it was worth the awkward positions and pouring sweat. I was glad for the challenge and proud of myself for staying committed.
Why is it when you're trying to stay committed to a healthier life, there is always temptation around every corner? Sometimes subtle and sometimes just blatantly obvious! Today, a co-worker tried to tempt me with a chocolate brownie from one of my favorite bakeries. ;-( The co-worker literally told me that she knew I was trying to diet or eat better (as she placed the thick, chocolate, morsel in front of me), but that she was stressing and had needed something sweet and thought she would share it with me. What?! So misery truly does love company, huh???????????? She told me that I could toss the brownie in the trash if I wanted to, but I promised her that I wouldn't, because I thought that would have been just as rude as her offering it to me. So for 30 minutes, the brownie sat in a white paper bag, filling my cubicle with a milk chocolaty heaven! ;-0 I resisted and resisted, but started to feel myself break. So I got up from my desk, took a walk around the area, and on my way back to my desk, I ran into another co-worker who I offered the brownie to. Luckily for me, she accepted and I didn't have to deal with the temptation any longer.
Food! Food! Food! Today, I tried a different combination of food so that I could prevent myself from getting too hungry. When trying to eat better, there are always so many programs, diets, and advice out there that encourages you to reduce the amount of food and practically starve yourself. But this starvation technique is temporary because you can't continue to keep that routine up unless you're anorexic. No offense to anyone struggling with this disorder. But seriously, what's the point in denying yourself the amount of food you need to fuel your body and brain for the challenges of your work day and workout?
So I decided to place all of my heavier food items at the beginning of the day and provide myself with lots of healthy snacks that would keep me in the 1,500 calorie a day range but would fill me up with food that wouldn't make me feel deprived. So far, it's working. In fact, by the time, I got to my afternoon snack of one and a half strips of fake fried chicken fingers and BBQ sauce, I felt too full to eat. So did I? Yes, I did. I knew that I would need that fuel for my hour workout within the next hour or so. After the workout, I was tired but not starving and ready to eat a cow! The food throughout the day had kept me fueled and satisfied. I'll keep you posted as I continue to test this new way of eating out and I'll let you know if it helps me reduce the weight or if it helps to pack on more pounds. ;-0
My Word for Today: Alert
That's what Jack LaLanne encouraged people to do throughout his career as the fitness guru of all time. Today, as I got my daily dose of updates from before the start of the work day, I learned that Jack LaLanne had died at the age of 96. Although I never watched him when I was younger, I remember the spoofs that Jim Carey did of him on "In Living Color," and I remember his juicer phase. But what I learned about Mr. LaLanne in an article today regarding his crusade for healthy living resonated with my goal to make exercise and diet a lifestyle and not just a temporary thang.
Jack LaLanne was a trailblazer who helped others empower themselves through physical fitness. He opened the doors for athletes as well as women to strength train during a time when it was forbidden or frowned upon. He was a testament of what a healthy lifestyle can do for you even well past your prime. And now, even in death, he is still inspirational to me and for many others. He believed that the only way we could hurt our bodies is by not using them.
After reading that article, I was glad that I had made the decision to use my body and complete a 10-minute workout and a 30-minute meditation session this morning. It was the premiere of what was to come later on this evening. Throughout the day, I felt energized, happy, and ready to do more. It wasn't until close to quitting time did I feel a little lethargic, but that was quickly replaced when I started my second workout for the day. Today's evening workout included 40 minutes of leg strength training and 20 minutes of core and cardio with The Firm's "The Wave."
I was wiped out after the challenging leg routine so I decided to do the express workout from "The Wave" in hopes that it would be a quick and easier routine than the longer 40-minute version. But what I'm beginning to realize is that just because a workout routine is short doesn't mean that it's easy, in fact, be prepared for a high energy, fast-paced, challenging workout if it's less than 30 minutes! But I'm not complaining. Even though I struggled at the end, it was worth the awkward positions and pouring sweat. I was glad for the challenge and proud of myself for staying committed.
Why is it when you're trying to stay committed to a healthier life, there is always temptation around every corner? Sometimes subtle and sometimes just blatantly obvious! Today, a co-worker tried to tempt me with a chocolate brownie from one of my favorite bakeries. ;-( The co-worker literally told me that she knew I was trying to diet or eat better (as she placed the thick, chocolate, morsel in front of me), but that she was stressing and had needed something sweet and thought she would share it with me. What?! So misery truly does love company, huh???????????? She told me that I could toss the brownie in the trash if I wanted to, but I promised her that I wouldn't, because I thought that would have been just as rude as her offering it to me. So for 30 minutes, the brownie sat in a white paper bag, filling my cubicle with a milk chocolaty heaven! ;-0 I resisted and resisted, but started to feel myself break. So I got up from my desk, took a walk around the area, and on my way back to my desk, I ran into another co-worker who I offered the brownie to. Luckily for me, she accepted and I didn't have to deal with the temptation any longer.
Food! Food! Food! Today, I tried a different combination of food so that I could prevent myself from getting too hungry. When trying to eat better, there are always so many programs, diets, and advice out there that encourages you to reduce the amount of food and practically starve yourself. But this starvation technique is temporary because you can't continue to keep that routine up unless you're anorexic. No offense to anyone struggling with this disorder. But seriously, what's the point in denying yourself the amount of food you need to fuel your body and brain for the challenges of your work day and workout?
So I decided to place all of my heavier food items at the beginning of the day and provide myself with lots of healthy snacks that would keep me in the 1,500 calorie a day range but would fill me up with food that wouldn't make me feel deprived. So far, it's working. In fact, by the time, I got to my afternoon snack of one and a half strips of fake fried chicken fingers and BBQ sauce, I felt too full to eat. So did I? Yes, I did. I knew that I would need that fuel for my hour workout within the next hour or so. After the workout, I was tired but not starving and ready to eat a cow! The food throughout the day had kept me fueled and satisfied. I'll keep you posted as I continue to test this new way of eating out and I'll let you know if it helps me reduce the weight or if it helps to pack on more pounds. ;-0
My Word for Today: Alert
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 23 - January 23, 2011
After writing my blog yesterday and completing half of a project for my job, I thought long and hard about the changes that I needed to make to correct this downward spiral of poor eating habits and nonexistent workouts. Throughout the night, I had dreams of work issues and working out. Around 2:30a.m., I woke up with the determination that today I would start my workout program again and would prepare healthy meals for next week. When I finally got out of bed, before I turned on my laptop to finish my second half of the project, I put on my workout gear, turned on the TV, popped in Tony Horton's "10 Minute Trainer" DVD, and got to work!
Visit this link to purchase a copy if you like...
Have I ever told you how much I love, love, love, Tony Horton?! Because I do. Ever since I was introduced to his P90X workout series a few years ago, before the world became in awe of his wonderful 12 Disc Muscle Confusion Technique, I have idolized this crazy, funny, healthy, inspirational 45 year old man. Today, I learned to love him even more. Because after what seemingly appeared to be an easy task to do in 10 minutes, turned out to be one of the hardest workouts I've done in awhile. I did the Core Cardio workout (the DVD has three different 10 minute workouts with supporting warm up routines). I never knew how much tension and how challenging resistance bands can really be. I purchased the Gold's Gym Resistance Door Kit and had used it a couple of times, but never felt that it was challenging enough, until this 10 minute routine.
The endorphins kicked in and the muscles stretched and burned as my body readjusted to an active lifestyle from the sedentary one I had condemned it to. After those 10 minutes, sweat was pouring, arms were aching, and one of the biggest grins rested happily on my face. ;-) The high from that workout stayed with me the rest of the day, as I worked on my project, then ran a few errands to ensure that I had just the right items for my meal plan.
This evening as I sit and write this blog, I feel hopeful. I have hopes that tomorrow will lead to another great day of workout, better eating, and more positive behavior. I haven't given up on myself and I'm glad that my body knows it and is still ready for the challenge.
I also gave my kiddies a run for their money...literally! After a few hours of work, I gave in to my middle kids, barking and long face and decided to challenge the middle and baby of the pack to a race up and down our three flights of stairs. After two rounds of this, we were all winded (more me than them) but happy just the same.
My Word for Today: Joy
After writing my blog yesterday and completing half of a project for my job, I thought long and hard about the changes that I needed to make to correct this downward spiral of poor eating habits and nonexistent workouts. Throughout the night, I had dreams of work issues and working out. Around 2:30a.m., I woke up with the determination that today I would start my workout program again and would prepare healthy meals for next week. When I finally got out of bed, before I turned on my laptop to finish my second half of the project, I put on my workout gear, turned on the TV, popped in Tony Horton's "10 Minute Trainer" DVD, and got to work!
Visit this link to purchase a copy if you like...
Have I ever told you how much I love, love, love, Tony Horton?! Because I do. Ever since I was introduced to his P90X workout series a few years ago, before the world became in awe of his wonderful 12 Disc Muscle Confusion Technique, I have idolized this crazy, funny, healthy, inspirational 45 year old man. Today, I learned to love him even more. Because after what seemingly appeared to be an easy task to do in 10 minutes, turned out to be one of the hardest workouts I've done in awhile. I did the Core Cardio workout (the DVD has three different 10 minute workouts with supporting warm up routines). I never knew how much tension and how challenging resistance bands can really be. I purchased the Gold's Gym Resistance Door Kit and had used it a couple of times, but never felt that it was challenging enough, until this 10 minute routine.
The endorphins kicked in and the muscles stretched and burned as my body readjusted to an active lifestyle from the sedentary one I had condemned it to. After those 10 minutes, sweat was pouring, arms were aching, and one of the biggest grins rested happily on my face. ;-) The high from that workout stayed with me the rest of the day, as I worked on my project, then ran a few errands to ensure that I had just the right items for my meal plan.
This evening as I sit and write this blog, I feel hopeful. I have hopes that tomorrow will lead to another great day of workout, better eating, and more positive behavior. I haven't given up on myself and I'm glad that my body knows it and is still ready for the challenge.
I also gave my kiddies a run for their money...literally! After a few hours of work, I gave in to my middle kids, barking and long face and decided to challenge the middle and baby of the pack to a race up and down our three flights of stairs. After two rounds of this, we were all winded (more me than them) but happy just the same.
My Word for Today: Joy
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 22 - January 22, 2011
It's been over a week since the Atlanta snow storm kept me a prisoner in my home and captive to my own inner food demons. I failed to keep the resolve I needed to stay on the right path and this downward spiral continued when I returned to work. Back to the office, in the midst of unexpected deadlines, stressful times, and desires to make it all go away with a box of chocolate chips, and a crab filled burrito with lots of cheese and salsa. ;-( Even as I found myself anxious, frustrated, fearful, angry, and depressed, the food still didn't satisfy me the way it used to. The sadness was still there. My body longed for the sweat of a good workout, the soreness of too many squats and lunges, the beat of the drums within some good dance music, and the happiness from the endorphin rush of a satisfying workout. Did I return to the workout? Nope, not yet. I still find myself distracted by the work deadlines, the anxieties, and easy access to the junk food even though I have a pantry and fridge filled with good, healthy alternatives. It amazes how easy it is to go back to such an unhealthy routine yet oh so difficult to maintain a healthier routine. This must be how crackheads feel when they're jonesing for their next fix. Bad habits, are really hard to break.
But it's not completely all bad. Even though I didn't stay committed to a completely healthy routine, my body did miss the workouts. I also didn't completely blow my diet with poor choices. During the week for breakfast and lunch, I always ate my normal tofu scramble, toast, and turkey or slider sandwiches. I had healthy snacks in between those meals and I still drank water. Unfortunately, it was after work that I allowed myself to splurge with fast food and sweets. This weekend so far, I've also had too much take out and sweets, but tomorrow, I plan on returning to my better eating habits. Keep me in your prayers that I have the strength to stay committed to this decision.
After reading my other fellow weight loss seekers' blogs, I realized that I just may need to use some drastic measures and get a sponsor like any other good junkie would do. LOL! No seriously, maybe I do need to have someone to reach out to in the middle of a binging fever. Because as much as I know that I need to get it together and not let work or any other stressful situation prevent me from staying focus on my goal, I've yet to master that. I didn't pass this test, but I do feel hopeful that in the future, I'll be able to overcome this addiction. And if you're interested in being my sponsor, send me your credentials, I just might sign up! LOL!
My Word for Today: Searching
It's been over a week since the Atlanta snow storm kept me a prisoner in my home and captive to my own inner food demons. I failed to keep the resolve I needed to stay on the right path and this downward spiral continued when I returned to work. Back to the office, in the midst of unexpected deadlines, stressful times, and desires to make it all go away with a box of chocolate chips, and a crab filled burrito with lots of cheese and salsa. ;-( Even as I found myself anxious, frustrated, fearful, angry, and depressed, the food still didn't satisfy me the way it used to. The sadness was still there. My body longed for the sweat of a good workout, the soreness of too many squats and lunges, the beat of the drums within some good dance music, and the happiness from the endorphin rush of a satisfying workout. Did I return to the workout? Nope, not yet. I still find myself distracted by the work deadlines, the anxieties, and easy access to the junk food even though I have a pantry and fridge filled with good, healthy alternatives. It amazes how easy it is to go back to such an unhealthy routine yet oh so difficult to maintain a healthier routine. This must be how crackheads feel when they're jonesing for their next fix. Bad habits, are really hard to break.
But it's not completely all bad. Even though I didn't stay committed to a completely healthy routine, my body did miss the workouts. I also didn't completely blow my diet with poor choices. During the week for breakfast and lunch, I always ate my normal tofu scramble, toast, and turkey or slider sandwiches. I had healthy snacks in between those meals and I still drank water. Unfortunately, it was after work that I allowed myself to splurge with fast food and sweets. This weekend so far, I've also had too much take out and sweets, but tomorrow, I plan on returning to my better eating habits. Keep me in your prayers that I have the strength to stay committed to this decision.
After reading my other fellow weight loss seekers' blogs, I realized that I just may need to use some drastic measures and get a sponsor like any other good junkie would do. LOL! No seriously, maybe I do need to have someone to reach out to in the middle of a binging fever. Because as much as I know that I need to get it together and not let work or any other stressful situation prevent me from staying focus on my goal, I've yet to master that. I didn't pass this test, but I do feel hopeful that in the future, I'll be able to overcome this addiction. And if you're interested in being my sponsor, send me your credentials, I just might sign up! LOL!
My Word for Today: Searching
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 13 - January 13, 2011
I really do need an intervention. It's day four of my house arrest...I mean snow bound. LOL! When I tell you that I have cabin fever, it's more than just being irritable from being house bound, it's doggone disastrous to my resolve to eat less quantity, and eat more quality foods. I haven't completely lost it, but it's getting close to a true need for rehab. ;-0 LOL!
Good News...
We reduced the amount of weights we were using on the barbell and had a much more successful Total Body Strength Training workout today during my lunch break. ;-) Tomorrow, I should be able to make it into work and our workout session is an hour of stretching. If the weather permits, we plan on heading to the gym on Saturday for an hour workout of Zumba! Things will shape up, both mentally and physically soon.
My Word for Today: Rehab
I really do need an intervention. It's day four of my house arrest...I mean snow bound. LOL! When I tell you that I have cabin fever, it's more than just being irritable from being house bound, it's doggone disastrous to my resolve to eat less quantity, and eat more quality foods. I haven't completely lost it, but it's getting close to a true need for rehab. ;-0 LOL!
Good News...
We reduced the amount of weights we were using on the barbell and had a much more successful Total Body Strength Training workout today during my lunch break. ;-) Tomorrow, I should be able to make it into work and our workout session is an hour of stretching. If the weather permits, we plan on heading to the gym on Saturday for an hour workout of Zumba! Things will shape up, both mentally and physically soon.
My Word for Today: Rehab
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 12 - January 12, 2011
Okay, the sun came out today and hopefully will melt away all of the ice and snow from the roads. If not, I'm going to need an intervention soon! ;-0 The food cravings have continued. Most of my cravings came from the fact that I haven't had much distraction being at home the last three days and my nervousness over an upcoming presentation I had to give to a group of trainees at my job. Even though the presentation was being given through a web conference, I still had anxieties. So I splurged a little to calm my nerves. ;-(
The presentation was today and although we were met with a few challenges, the overall response was positive, and I made it through it! ;-) So, I celebrated...with food. ;-( I've always been an emotional eater and this is no different than my normal behavior when stressed or when relieved after dealing with a stressful situation, but I was so hoping the new year would bring a different behavior. I guess things don't change overnight, but I still have hopes that I can change for the better.
Today was my rest day from working out, but I have the challenging total body strength training routine to look forward to on Thursday. ;-0 Perhaps, the workout and the chance of leaving the house to go into the office, will give me the structure that I need to get back on it, doggone it! LOL!
Well that's my confession for today. I don't want to just share all of the good with you, sometimes, I'll be sharing the bad too. Emotional eating will definitely be my vice...pray for me. ;-0
My Word for Today: Relief
Okay, the sun came out today and hopefully will melt away all of the ice and snow from the roads. If not, I'm going to need an intervention soon! ;-0 The food cravings have continued. Most of my cravings came from the fact that I haven't had much distraction being at home the last three days and my nervousness over an upcoming presentation I had to give to a group of trainees at my job. Even though the presentation was being given through a web conference, I still had anxieties. So I splurged a little to calm my nerves. ;-(
The presentation was today and although we were met with a few challenges, the overall response was positive, and I made it through it! ;-) So, I celebrated...with food. ;-( I've always been an emotional eater and this is no different than my normal behavior when stressed or when relieved after dealing with a stressful situation, but I was so hoping the new year would bring a different behavior. I guess things don't change overnight, but I still have hopes that I can change for the better.
Today was my rest day from working out, but I have the challenging total body strength training routine to look forward to on Thursday. ;-0 Perhaps, the workout and the chance of leaving the house to go into the office, will give me the structure that I need to get back on it, doggone it! LOL!
Well that's my confession for today. I don't want to just share all of the good with you, sometimes, I'll be sharing the bad too. Emotional eating will definitely be my vice...pray for me. ;-0
My Word for Today: Relief
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 11 - January 11, 2011
I know him very well, because he lives at my house. LOL! I tried to resist the temptation to bake muffins for the past week, but have failed to resist the desire any longer. Yesterday, I baked vegan apple-carrot-oatmeal muffins and they were sooo good. Their density and natural sweetness filled me up and tamed my sweet tooth. But the craving stayed with me today. I found myself restructuring my meal plan to include these delicious muffins into my diet. They're warm, moist, and addictive during this winter storm. Help! I need an intervention! LOL!
My workout today was filled with more belly laughter than belly dancing. ;-0 Again, I find my lack of coordination to be a struggle. I didn't give up though. So maybe it's time for me to accept the fact that I just don't have the skills to perform the routine, and switch to another cardio workout. What say you? Would you still try to perform a workout routine that you didn't have the right skills to perform it?
My Word for Today: Addicted
Apple Carrot Oatmeal Muffin
2 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups roll oats
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup vegan sugar
2 egg substiutes
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup oil
1 cup soy milk
1 cup grated apple
1 cup grated carrot
Sometimes, it's really best just to stay at home. As much as there is temptation at home while we wait out the winter storm, I'd rather be on the inside, than experiencing the accident that I saw earlier today. See picure below.
The car is pointed in the wrong direction on a One Way access road outside of my apartment complex. ;-0
I know him very well, because he lives at my house. LOL! I tried to resist the temptation to bake muffins for the past week, but have failed to resist the desire any longer. Yesterday, I baked vegan apple-carrot-oatmeal muffins and they were sooo good. Their density and natural sweetness filled me up and tamed my sweet tooth. But the craving stayed with me today. I found myself restructuring my meal plan to include these delicious muffins into my diet. They're warm, moist, and addictive during this winter storm. Help! I need an intervention! LOL!
My workout today was filled with more belly laughter than belly dancing. ;-0 Again, I find my lack of coordination to be a struggle. I didn't give up though. So maybe it's time for me to accept the fact that I just don't have the skills to perform the routine, and switch to another cardio workout. What say you? Would you still try to perform a workout routine that you didn't have the right skills to perform it?
My Word for Today: Addicted
Apple Carrot Oatmeal Muffin
2 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups roll oats
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup vegan sugar
2 egg substiutes
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup oil
1 cup soy milk
1 cup grated apple
1 cup grated carrot
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine all the dry ingredients together and mix with a whisk.
- In a large bowl, mix together the brown sugar, vegan sugar, egg replacement, vanilla, oil, and soy milk.
- Stir in (by hand) the grated apple and carrot.
- Add the dry ingredients all at once and stir (by hand) until just combined, do not overmix.
- Pour into a muffin pan and bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Sometimes, it's really best just to stay at home. As much as there is temptation at home while we wait out the winter storm, I'd rather be on the inside, than experiencing the accident that I saw earlier today. See picure below.
The car is pointed in the wrong direction on a One Way access road outside of my apartment complex. ;-0
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 10 - January 10, 2011
Today there was snow, sleet, and ice in Atlanta, Georgia, and the city shut down. Good news, I get to work virtual, bad news, I have more hunger temptations. I was successful throughout the weekend with portion control and resisting restaurant temptations, but today was a different story.
It all began with my mid-morning snack of a 100 Calorie Chocolate Chip Crisps. I love, love, love those things, but I think they may be adding to my increased hunger. ;-0 After eating the one serving pack, I wasn't satisfied. I continued to work while still watching the clock for my lunch break. When it was finally time for lunch, I did my 30 minute step aerobics routine, then devoured my Faux Fried Soy milk Chicken Tenders with Sweet Potato Chips. It was sooooooo GOOOD!!! I even had three 16 oz bottles of water by then, including a smoothie after my workout. Yet, as I write this blog, I find myself with a hunger for more. ;-0 So, I splurged. I had a quick shrimp taco and another bottle of water.
At first, I didn't understand why I had this sudden hunger but then I figured it out. With the snow day, my routine was disrupted and my well planned "meal plan" suffered for it. Typically, I would have my breakfast before I left home with a bottle of water, then during the mid morning, I would have a snack, then the afternoon lunch, then later on that afternoon, I would have another snack and a bottle of water, then travel home for a workout, and after the workout, I would have a smoothie, then dinner, then later on that evening, another snack. I know that was a run-on sentence! Sorry. LOL! My meals were spaced out well enough and I had more distractions within a normal work day that would allow me the opportunity to delay feeding time. LOL!
What timing do I have for these hunger pains and splurge, eh? LOL! I started my second weight challenge today on
It's an 8 week challenge and each week we have to set our milestones and how we will reward ourselves for achieving those milestones. My weight loss goal for the 8 weeks is 20lbs, and this week, I've set my milestone for 2.5lbs to lose with a reward of a 2 hour Pamper Me. ;-) So I better get back on the ball with sticking to my meal plan.
My Word for Today: Control
Today there was snow, sleet, and ice in Atlanta, Georgia, and the city shut down. Good news, I get to work virtual, bad news, I have more hunger temptations. I was successful throughout the weekend with portion control and resisting restaurant temptations, but today was a different story.
It all began with my mid-morning snack of a 100 Calorie Chocolate Chip Crisps. I love, love, love those things, but I think they may be adding to my increased hunger. ;-0 After eating the one serving pack, I wasn't satisfied. I continued to work while still watching the clock for my lunch break. When it was finally time for lunch, I did my 30 minute step aerobics routine, then devoured my Faux Fried Soy milk Chicken Tenders with Sweet Potato Chips. It was sooooooo GOOOD!!! I even had three 16 oz bottles of water by then, including a smoothie after my workout. Yet, as I write this blog, I find myself with a hunger for more. ;-0 So, I splurged. I had a quick shrimp taco and another bottle of water.
At first, I didn't understand why I had this sudden hunger but then I figured it out. With the snow day, my routine was disrupted and my well planned "meal plan" suffered for it. Typically, I would have my breakfast before I left home with a bottle of water, then during the mid morning, I would have a snack, then the afternoon lunch, then later on that afternoon, I would have another snack and a bottle of water, then travel home for a workout, and after the workout, I would have a smoothie, then dinner, then later on that evening, another snack. I know that was a run-on sentence! Sorry. LOL! My meals were spaced out well enough and I had more distractions within a normal work day that would allow me the opportunity to delay feeding time. LOL!
What timing do I have for these hunger pains and splurge, eh? LOL! I started my second weight challenge today on
It's an 8 week challenge and each week we have to set our milestones and how we will reward ourselves for achieving those milestones. My weight loss goal for the 8 weeks is 20lbs, and this week, I've set my milestone for 2.5lbs to lose with a reward of a 2 hour Pamper Me. ;-) So I better get back on the ball with sticking to my meal plan.
My Word for Today: Control
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 9 - January 9, 2011
I finally made it to my "rest day" and the beginning of my new week. ;-) I can't believe how quickly the time has passed and how few temptations I had during the first week. I also can't believe I've almost made it through a weekend without splurging. ;-0
My previous routine involved being disciplined with my eating and workout habits from Monday through Thursday, and then blowing the rest of the week with restaurant meals that were supposedly healthier than my older, older habits, and high sodium foods that I made from my own kitchen. Fridays were always lunch with a co-worker, eating sushi and noodles at one of my favorite Thai restaurants, then heading home to feast on vegan quesadillas, black beans and rice, and tons of guacamole and salsa, washed down with two margaritas. Then the rest of the weekend was overeating at the Whole Foods hot bar or at one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants on Saturday; then ending the weekend with another high caloric Thai meal of Thai Fried Rice and Curry Shrimp from my second favorite Thai restaurant. By the time I stepped on the scale on Monday, I would discover that most of the weight that I had managed to lose during the week was back on my body. In the beginning this would make me feel very depressed and frustrated, but after awhile I got used to the numbers going back up because I knew that I could drop the weight again by the middle of the week. I began to realize that a lot of the weight gain was due to the sodium that I was retaining from my weekend binges.
I've never really seen what could happen if I stuck with my meal plan an entire week and continued this into the next week, and the next week, and the next week. Well I'm happy to say that last Saturday, I weighed in at 223 pounds and today I weighed in at 214 pounds! That's an 8 pound loss in the past 8 days. ;-) Even though I didn't binge eat this weekend, I did get creative in the kitchen so I could enjoy some great tasting, low fat/caloric foods. I still had Friday Mexican Night, but I made sure that my lunch was much lighter so that I could use those extra calories for dinner. Instead of eating a ton of beans and rice, heavy guacamole and salsa, and margaritas with the meal, I opted to have shrimp tacos with a light serving of guacamole, salsa, and vegan sour cream, 3 cups of collard greens for my vegetable, and water. Now I know you might think that was a weird combination, shrimp tacos and collard greens, but it was great in my tummy! LOL! The entire meal was extremely filling and didn't make me feel as if I were depriving myself. The next day, I stuck with eating small meals and making sure that I took snacks with me, even though I had a few extra snacks at Whole Foods during grocery shopping.
My dinner was a healthy, low calorie Chicken Tortilla soup and cornbread muffin that also satisfied my appetite. Today, we're having whole wheat pasta Pomodora for dinner with a large garden salad. The food that I've eaten throughout the day has being enjoyable and healthy so I still don't feel deprived. Even the preparation that I've made for next week's lunches is providing me with healthier, tasty alternatives to food that I've loved all my life. I found a recipe for fake fried chicken tenders (see recipe below) and prepared that for tomorrow's lunch along with the recipe for the 3 Beer BBQ dip and sauce that I blogged about yesterday. The recipe was easy, the ingredients were healthy, and the final cooked dish was awesome!
Can being active truly be a state of restfulness or is this an oxymoron? Although we completed our final workout session for the week on Saturday, and scheduled today for another rest day, I was still pretty active preparing for the next week but in a peaceful manner. I didn't feel rushed, stressed, or exhausted. I actually felt, surprisingly energized and happy. I hope that this feeling continues throughout next week's workouts. ;-0 I had promised my three dogs that we would take them walking today before the big snow hit and we did it. ;-) In the past, I've made many promises to them to go dog walking and 8 times out of 10, I usually cancel our walks without notice. LOL! There's always something more important to do, or the lack of desire or energy to go outside, or I wait until it's too dark to do it. Today, a promise was a promise that I really wanted to keep. Check out a snippet of our walk in the video journal below.
My Word for Today: Happiness
Kickin' Soy milk Faux-Fried Chicken
(serves 2) - Adapted from Lisa Lillien's recipe. Lillien is the host of The Hungry Girl, which premiered on January 8th on the Cooking Channel.
1/2 cup soy milk
1/8 tsp. paprika
12 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast tenders (about 8 to 10 pieces)
1/3 cup twig-shaped bran cereal
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
1 tbsp. dry onion soup mix
Salt to taste (optional)
I finally made it to my "rest day" and the beginning of my new week. ;-) I can't believe how quickly the time has passed and how few temptations I had during the first week. I also can't believe I've almost made it through a weekend without splurging. ;-0
My previous routine involved being disciplined with my eating and workout habits from Monday through Thursday, and then blowing the rest of the week with restaurant meals that were supposedly healthier than my older, older habits, and high sodium foods that I made from my own kitchen. Fridays were always lunch with a co-worker, eating sushi and noodles at one of my favorite Thai restaurants, then heading home to feast on vegan quesadillas, black beans and rice, and tons of guacamole and salsa, washed down with two margaritas. Then the rest of the weekend was overeating at the Whole Foods hot bar or at one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants on Saturday; then ending the weekend with another high caloric Thai meal of Thai Fried Rice and Curry Shrimp from my second favorite Thai restaurant. By the time I stepped on the scale on Monday, I would discover that most of the weight that I had managed to lose during the week was back on my body. In the beginning this would make me feel very depressed and frustrated, but after awhile I got used to the numbers going back up because I knew that I could drop the weight again by the middle of the week. I began to realize that a lot of the weight gain was due to the sodium that I was retaining from my weekend binges.
I've never really seen what could happen if I stuck with my meal plan an entire week and continued this into the next week, and the next week, and the next week. Well I'm happy to say that last Saturday, I weighed in at 223 pounds and today I weighed in at 214 pounds! That's an 8 pound loss in the past 8 days. ;-) Even though I didn't binge eat this weekend, I did get creative in the kitchen so I could enjoy some great tasting, low fat/caloric foods. I still had Friday Mexican Night, but I made sure that my lunch was much lighter so that I could use those extra calories for dinner. Instead of eating a ton of beans and rice, heavy guacamole and salsa, and margaritas with the meal, I opted to have shrimp tacos with a light serving of guacamole, salsa, and vegan sour cream, 3 cups of collard greens for my vegetable, and water. Now I know you might think that was a weird combination, shrimp tacos and collard greens, but it was great in my tummy! LOL! The entire meal was extremely filling and didn't make me feel as if I were depriving myself. The next day, I stuck with eating small meals and making sure that I took snacks with me, even though I had a few extra snacks at Whole Foods during grocery shopping.
My dinner was a healthy, low calorie Chicken Tortilla soup and cornbread muffin that also satisfied my appetite. Today, we're having whole wheat pasta Pomodora for dinner with a large garden salad. The food that I've eaten throughout the day has being enjoyable and healthy so I still don't feel deprived. Even the preparation that I've made for next week's lunches is providing me with healthier, tasty alternatives to food that I've loved all my life. I found a recipe for fake fried chicken tenders (see recipe below) and prepared that for tomorrow's lunch along with the recipe for the 3 Beer BBQ dip and sauce that I blogged about yesterday. The recipe was easy, the ingredients were healthy, and the final cooked dish was awesome!
Can being active truly be a state of restfulness or is this an oxymoron? Although we completed our final workout session for the week on Saturday, and scheduled today for another rest day, I was still pretty active preparing for the next week but in a peaceful manner. I didn't feel rushed, stressed, or exhausted. I actually felt, surprisingly energized and happy. I hope that this feeling continues throughout next week's workouts. ;-0 I had promised my three dogs that we would take them walking today before the big snow hit and we did it. ;-) In the past, I've made many promises to them to go dog walking and 8 times out of 10, I usually cancel our walks without notice. LOL! There's always something more important to do, or the lack of desire or energy to go outside, or I wait until it's too dark to do it. Today, a promise was a promise that I really wanted to keep. Check out a snippet of our walk in the video journal below.
My Word for Today: Happiness
Kickin' Soy milk Faux-Fried Chicken
(serves 2) - Adapted from Lisa Lillien's recipe. Lillien is the host of The Hungry Girl, which premiered on January 8th on the Cooking Channel.
1/2 cup soy milk
1/8 tsp. paprika
12 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast tenders (about 8 to 10 pieces)
1/3 cup twig-shaped bran cereal
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
1 tbsp. dry onion soup mix
Salt to taste (optional)
- Combine soy milk and paprika in a large zip lock plastic bag.
- Mix well.
- Add chicken tenders, seal bag.
- Toss to coat completely.
- Refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Process cereal in a food processor until it reaches a fine-crumb consistency.
- Combine cereal crumbs and remaining ingredients in a large shallow bowl.
- Drain chicken tenders and discard soy milk.
- Coat each tender with crumb mixture and arrange on a lightly greased baking sheet.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 8 - January 8, 2011
That's what I like to affectionately call, Whole Foods Market: Natural and Organic Grocery Store. LOL! I love, love, love, this place, but hate the way my money dwindles quickly as I add up the items in my shopping cart. Today's mistake...I went to Whole Foods hungry. ;-0 It's bad enough going there on a full stomach, but with only 8 almonds and a bottle of of water in my system, I was a prime candidate for binge shopping! To top it off, they had the nerve to have sample tables set up throughout the store. I couldn't resist.
I walked away with healthy items from the sample tables and great recipe ideas for next week's meal plan. My top four purchases were: fresh brocollini, 3 Beer BBQ Rub, cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice, and gnu Foods' flavor & fiber bar.
The vendor at the 3 Beer BBQ Rub had samples of a dip and BBQ sauce that you could make using the rub (see info on the company below). When I tell you both of those sauces were absolutely fabulous, trust me, they were. They were sooooo good that when I finally made it home and after devouring my lunch, I decided to make the dip and the BBQ sauce. Both will be used in Monday's lunch of Faux Fried Chicken Tenders (a recipe I found in People magazine.) Both recipes are so quick and easy to use and of course, I made a vegan version of the dip with vegan sour cream and vegan mayonnaise (recipes below for the dip and BBQ sauce).
My taste buds were granted even more pleasure from the fiber bar lady. gnu Foods' energy bars are one of the first such bars that I actually love (see info on the company below)! I've tried several brands in hopes of finding a good pre-workout or post-workout snack and I've hated every one of them. So not only did I waste my taste buds and calories on gummy, bland energy bars, but I also wasted a lot of money. These bars come in 7 flavors: banana walnut, chocolate brownie, cinnamon raisin, espresso chip, lemon ginger, orange cranberry, and peanut butter. My favorite of the ones that were for sample was a tie between the banana walnut and the cinnamon raisin. The orange cranberry was pretty good too but the chocolate brownie tasted like bad diet food. LOL!
I washed everything down with a sample of the cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice (see info on the company below). The juice wasn't extremely sweet and although I thought at first it was going to taste overwhelming cherry, I tasted more of the apple juice (it's also a part of the mixture) than the cherry juice. We got a bottle to add to our smoothies, so stay tuned for a Cherry Apple Pie Smoothie recipe with Tart Cherry Juice as the star of the drink.
It took my whole paycheck! LOL! Seriously, it's expensive sometimes to eat healthy and feels like a bit of a conspiracy. ;-0 Why is it so easy to get cheap, fast food or 2 for 1 deals at high caloric restaurants, or even free or half priced specials on prescription drugs, and happy hour specials on alcohol, but no such deals for natural, organic, whole foods? Even though it would be easier for me and seemingly more cost-effective to eat the fast food and fatty foods, I realized that in the end, it's going to be more cost-effective to make healthier choices to prevent the medical bills on the back end. ;-0 So I won't complain anymore about Whole Foods or making healthier choices. Instead, I'll be more grateful for the fact that there are so many more healthier choices available to us than there have ever been before. Healthy food no longer has to taste bland, gummy, and unsatisfying...just try one of the recipes below.
ABOUT 3 Beer BBQ Rub
An original blend that has been pleasing family and friends for years. Brown Sugar Sweet with Mild Heat that really flavors pork, beef, chicken, and fish. It's not just a rub. It spices up baked beans, corn, squash, and other dishes.
After trying every rub and spice available, Spiceman (Don) became very frustrated. They were all too dang salty, so he set out to make his own spice. After years of tweaking his ratios, he was content he had reached perfection. It was only after hearing the multiple cries, "I gotta have some of this," from friends and family, did he set out to share with the rest of the world.
ABOUT cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice
Gnu Foods is a small company that makes all natural, great-tasting foods that help address specific nutritional needs and health conditions. It was founded in 2004 with the introduction of our first product, the Gnu Bar, a high fiber bar that promotes regularity and heart health.
Gnu Bars are a great healthy snack that pack 12 grams of fiber into one small bar! Each of our bars is made with delicious, all-natural ingredients that keep you feeling great inside and out.
ABOUT cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice
cheribundi™ starts as Montmorency cherries grown in Michigan and New York orchards. We use a proprietary juicing process that was developed with Cornell University to make a drink that retains all the power and benefits of the nutrients and antioxidants found in the little round fruits. cheribundi™cheribundi™ is all-natural and not from concentrate, it's a feel-better and live-healthier addition to your lifestyle.
My Word for Today: Sustainability
Party Time BBQ Dip
1 cup (8oz) Tofruitti Vegan Sour Cream
1/2 cup (4oz) Veganese or regular Mayo
3 tablespoons of 3 Beer BBQ Rub
Mix it all together and Bon Appetit!
3 Beer BBQ Sauce
1 cup ketchup
1/2 cup of water
1 tbsp of honey
1 tbsp of white wine vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp of Worcestershire Sauce
2 tbsp of 3 Beer BBQ Rub
That's what I like to affectionately call, Whole Foods Market: Natural and Organic Grocery Store. LOL! I love, love, love, this place, but hate the way my money dwindles quickly as I add up the items in my shopping cart. Today's mistake...I went to Whole Foods hungry. ;-0 It's bad enough going there on a full stomach, but with only 8 almonds and a bottle of of water in my system, I was a prime candidate for binge shopping! To top it off, they had the nerve to have sample tables set up throughout the store. I couldn't resist.
I walked away with healthy items from the sample tables and great recipe ideas for next week's meal plan. My top four purchases were: fresh brocollini, 3 Beer BBQ Rub, cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice, and gnu Foods' flavor & fiber bar.
The vendor at the 3 Beer BBQ Rub had samples of a dip and BBQ sauce that you could make using the rub (see info on the company below). When I tell you both of those sauces were absolutely fabulous, trust me, they were. They were sooooo good that when I finally made it home and after devouring my lunch, I decided to make the dip and the BBQ sauce. Both will be used in Monday's lunch of Faux Fried Chicken Tenders (a recipe I found in People magazine.) Both recipes are so quick and easy to use and of course, I made a vegan version of the dip with vegan sour cream and vegan mayonnaise (recipes below for the dip and BBQ sauce).
My taste buds were granted even more pleasure from the fiber bar lady. gnu Foods' energy bars are one of the first such bars that I actually love (see info on the company below)! I've tried several brands in hopes of finding a good pre-workout or post-workout snack and I've hated every one of them. So not only did I waste my taste buds and calories on gummy, bland energy bars, but I also wasted a lot of money. These bars come in 7 flavors: banana walnut, chocolate brownie, cinnamon raisin, espresso chip, lemon ginger, orange cranberry, and peanut butter. My favorite of the ones that were for sample was a tie between the banana walnut and the cinnamon raisin. The orange cranberry was pretty good too but the chocolate brownie tasted like bad diet food. LOL!
I washed everything down with a sample of the cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice (see info on the company below). The juice wasn't extremely sweet and although I thought at first it was going to taste overwhelming cherry, I tasted more of the apple juice (it's also a part of the mixture) than the cherry juice. We got a bottle to add to our smoothies, so stay tuned for a Cherry Apple Pie Smoothie recipe with Tart Cherry Juice as the star of the drink.
It took my whole paycheck! LOL! Seriously, it's expensive sometimes to eat healthy and feels like a bit of a conspiracy. ;-0 Why is it so easy to get cheap, fast food or 2 for 1 deals at high caloric restaurants, or even free or half priced specials on prescription drugs, and happy hour specials on alcohol, but no such deals for natural, organic, whole foods? Even though it would be easier for me and seemingly more cost-effective to eat the fast food and fatty foods, I realized that in the end, it's going to be more cost-effective to make healthier choices to prevent the medical bills on the back end. ;-0 So I won't complain anymore about Whole Foods or making healthier choices. Instead, I'll be more grateful for the fact that there are so many more healthier choices available to us than there have ever been before. Healthy food no longer has to taste bland, gummy, and unsatisfying...just try one of the recipes below.
ABOUT 3 Beer BBQ Rub
An original blend that has been pleasing family and friends for years. Brown Sugar Sweet with Mild Heat that really flavors pork, beef, chicken, and fish. It's not just a rub. It spices up baked beans, corn, squash, and other dishes.
After trying every rub and spice available, Spiceman (Don) became very frustrated. They were all too dang salty, so he set out to make his own spice. After years of tweaking his ratios, he was content he had reached perfection. It was only after hearing the multiple cries, "I gotta have some of this," from friends and family, did he set out to share with the rest of the world.
ABOUT cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice
Gnu Foods is a small company that makes all natural, great-tasting foods that help address specific nutritional needs and health conditions. It was founded in 2004 with the introduction of our first product, the Gnu Bar, a high fiber bar that promotes regularity and heart health.
Gnu Bars are a great healthy snack that pack 12 grams of fiber into one small bar! Each of our bars is made with delicious, all-natural ingredients that keep you feeling great inside and out.
ABOUT cheribundi's Tart Cherry Juice
cheribundi™ starts as Montmorency cherries grown in Michigan and New York orchards. We use a proprietary juicing process that was developed with Cornell University to make a drink that retains all the power and benefits of the nutrients and antioxidants found in the little round fruits. cheribundi™cheribundi™ is all-natural and not from concentrate, it's a feel-better and live-healthier addition to your lifestyle.
My Word for Today: Sustainability
Party Time BBQ Dip
1 cup (8oz) Tofruitti Vegan Sour Cream
1/2 cup (4oz) Veganese or regular Mayo
3 tablespoons of 3 Beer BBQ Rub
Mix it all together and Bon Appetit!
3 Beer BBQ Sauce
1 cup ketchup
1/2 cup of water
1 tbsp of honey
1 tbsp of white wine vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp of Worcestershire Sauce
2 tbsp of 3 Beer BBQ Rub
- Put all ingredients into a small pot.
- Simmer for 15 minutes.
- Add more liquid for desired thickness.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 7 - January 7, 2011
Not only have I been trying to detox from sodas, sweets, and fatty foods, I've been desperately trying to kick the energy drink demon habit! Monster Energy's electrifying lime green substance is what I crave in particular. ;-0 So far, I've made it through all of my workouts for this week without trying to skip a day, but my energy level hasn't been as high as it would have been with that Monster running through my veins. It really makes me feel like I can do anything! I'm a speed demon, an athlete, a miracle worker, I'm invincible! LOL! I used to also consume a can or two on non-workout days so that I'd have the energy to run errands, do households chore, and just feel great. Now, I'm trying to resist the high calorie substance that's not only full of calories but overloaded with sugar. ;-(
I've always struggled with having enough energy and would ask the advice of others in the past, and they all said that once you get into a good workout routine, the energy would come. But I never felt that unless I had an energy drink, no matter how many months I worked out...the energy just never came. So what to do without my Monster? Any suggestions? What do you use to give you the energy boost to get through a workout?
My Word for Today: Tired
Not only have I been trying to detox from sodas, sweets, and fatty foods, I've been desperately trying to kick the energy drink demon habit! Monster Energy's electrifying lime green substance is what I crave in particular. ;-0 So far, I've made it through all of my workouts for this week without trying to skip a day, but my energy level hasn't been as high as it would have been with that Monster running through my veins. It really makes me feel like I can do anything! I'm a speed demon, an athlete, a miracle worker, I'm invincible! LOL! I used to also consume a can or two on non-workout days so that I'd have the energy to run errands, do households chore, and just feel great. Now, I'm trying to resist the high calorie substance that's not only full of calories but overloaded with sugar. ;-(
I've always struggled with having enough energy and would ask the advice of others in the past, and they all said that once you get into a good workout routine, the energy would come. But I never felt that unless I had an energy drink, no matter how many months I worked out...the energy just never came. So what to do without my Monster? Any suggestions? What do you use to give you the energy boost to get through a workout?
My Word for Today: Tired
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 6 - January 6, 2011
Today's cardio focused on the core and was thought to be an easier routine to do than the original workout routine that was planned of step aerobics. But oh let me tell you, it's nothing more frustrating than trying to get your hips to sway, your rib cage to slide, and butt to bounce when God didn't bless you with the rhythm to do so! LOL!
The Core Rhythms DVD series is a Latin Dance exercise program that claims it will speed shrink your waistline and sculpt a lean, sexy body.
With Core Rhythms, the instructors, Jaana and Julia get you moving and grooving to hot Latin music in no time! In my heart, I was hitting every step and grooving just like the attractive dancers on the TV screen, but in reality, I was moving like a person who'd just been tasered or someone trying to stump out an ant bed! It was hilariously awkward, but a sweat pouring routine that's definitely worth a second week. ;-0
My Word for Today: Rhythmless
Today's cardio focused on the core and was thought to be an easier routine to do than the original workout routine that was planned of step aerobics. But oh let me tell you, it's nothing more frustrating than trying to get your hips to sway, your rib cage to slide, and butt to bounce when God didn't bless you with the rhythm to do so! LOL!
The Core Rhythms DVD series is a Latin Dance exercise program that claims it will speed shrink your waistline and sculpt a lean, sexy body.
With Core Rhythms, the instructors, Jaana and Julia get you moving and grooving to hot Latin music in no time! In my heart, I was hitting every step and grooving just like the attractive dancers on the TV screen, but in reality, I was moving like a person who'd just been tasered or someone trying to stump out an ant bed! It was hilariously awkward, but a sweat pouring routine that's definitely worth a second week. ;-0
My Word for Today: Rhythmless
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 5 - January 5, 2011
Today was my rest day from the workout routine and my body definitely needed it, but my mind and spirit probably needed the endorphin rush from a good workout. There were a couple of stressful moments at work today that I won't bother to give you the intimate details about, but let's just say, the "food demon" was in full effect. I've always been an emotional eater and no matter what type of mood I'm in, I always find a reason to commiserate through food. Today was no exception to that rule, well at least with the tempting thoughts that ran through my mind. It didn't help either when my co-worker told me that the local bakery (my favorite in the area) had a 2 for 1 special on ALL OF THE PASTRIES!!! ;-0 LOL!
Although I want to get to a point that I don't use food (healthy or unhealthy versions) to pacify my emotions, I decided to offer myself a compromise. Instead of giving into the temptations to have something really high caloric and fatty or sugary sweet, I searched the web for a few alternatives and decided to create my own low calorie version of a Filet o Fish Combo Meal. I found a vegan substitute for the tartar sauce (recipe below) and I grilled a Salmon Burger instead of deep frying a breaded fish, used a vegan cheddar cheese slice, and a Whole Wheat Bun, which all greatly reduced the calories in the sandwich. Instead of deep frying some potatoes, I chose steamed red potatoes and string beans from Green Giant. With this modified version, I saved 190 calories and prevented myself from feeling guilty if I had made a bad food choice instead of this lighter version. ;-)
My Word for Today: Compromise
Vegan Tartar Sauce for Your Healthy Filet o Fish!
1/2 pound soft (silken) tofu
1/4 cup safflower oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp mustard
1/4 cup pickle relish
Today was my rest day from the workout routine and my body definitely needed it, but my mind and spirit probably needed the endorphin rush from a good workout. There were a couple of stressful moments at work today that I won't bother to give you the intimate details about, but let's just say, the "food demon" was in full effect. I've always been an emotional eater and no matter what type of mood I'm in, I always find a reason to commiserate through food. Today was no exception to that rule, well at least with the tempting thoughts that ran through my mind. It didn't help either when my co-worker told me that the local bakery (my favorite in the area) had a 2 for 1 special on ALL OF THE PASTRIES!!! ;-0 LOL!
Although I want to get to a point that I don't use food (healthy or unhealthy versions) to pacify my emotions, I decided to offer myself a compromise. Instead of giving into the temptations to have something really high caloric and fatty or sugary sweet, I searched the web for a few alternatives and decided to create my own low calorie version of a Filet o Fish Combo Meal. I found a vegan substitute for the tartar sauce (recipe below) and I grilled a Salmon Burger instead of deep frying a breaded fish, used a vegan cheddar cheese slice, and a Whole Wheat Bun, which all greatly reduced the calories in the sandwich. Instead of deep frying some potatoes, I chose steamed red potatoes and string beans from Green Giant. With this modified version, I saved 190 calories and prevented myself from feeling guilty if I had made a bad food choice instead of this lighter version. ;-)
My Word for Today: Compromise
1/2 pound soft (silken) tofu
1/4 cup safflower oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp mustard
1/4 cup pickle relish
- Combine all ingredients (except pickle relish) into a food processor.
- Process until smooth.
- Pour into the storage container.
- Stir in relish by hand.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 4 - January 4, 2011
"Pain is temporary, glory…lasts forever!" - George Best
That's what I keep reminding myself of today as I threw myself out of bed this morning. After the total body strength training workout that we did yesterday, my quads, hamstrings, and calves were in total shock and agony this morning! ;-( For those of you who remember and/or watched The Carol Burnett Show many years ago, you may remember the character of the secretary, Wanda Wiggins for Mr. Tudball and the way she walked. Well that's sort of how I was walking today except much slower. Perhaps, my walk could be described more like the old lady character from her show instead. LOL! No matter which character best describes this walk, trust me, it was painful and remained with me the rest of the day. As I hiked the 10 mile walk from the parking lot to my cubicle today (it's not really that far, but pretty long from the parking lot to the back of the office building), I kept chastising myself for not soaking in a hot tub last night or doing a cool down stretch after that killer workout. Each time I sat at my desk for more than 20 minutes, then got up to move around the office, my quads screamed, "Mercy, mercy, me!"
But there's no rest for the weary, no pain, no glory, and all that jazz! After the work day, I traveled home to do my third workout for the week: Pilate's! Can you say, "OUCH!"
Although some of the 30 minute routine was calming and a good stretch for my tight muscles, most of it brought more torture to my achy joints that were similar to yesterday's routine. Nonetheless, I made it through the routine and was happy I remained committed. ;-)
Thanks to my dietitian, I've created a meal plan for the week. Thanks to all of the Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, and Weight Watchers' commercials that encourage you to use their prepackaged diet plans, I've created my own cost effective version by putting together some plastic containers and zipped lock bags of food that I can eat at home or at the office, or just out and about.
But as you know, the Murphy's Law adage, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," came into play today against my well laid plan. I grabbed my prepackaged, bag full of lunch, snacks, and water and headed out the door with the determination that I was going to stick with my meal plan even though I would be surrounded by the temptation of my favorite restaurants, the company cafeteria, and co-workers who love to share their high caloric snacks and meals with you. Things were going good...I had my lemon water first thing as I read my emails and created my To Do list for the day. Three hours later, I headed to the refrigerator to get my orange for my mid morning snack and that's when I discovered....I had remembered to pack, the mini slider buns, the lettuce and tomatoes, the Daiya cheddar cheese, the ketchup and mustard packets, but NO TURKEY BURGER MINI SLIDERS!!
During such a food crisis, I tried to remain calm. I would not order delivery or go to the food court in the mall. I would not eat from the greasy grill in the company cafeteria and I would not beg my co-worker for a can of tomato soup (ugh!). Honestly, I did consider the company cafeteria, but they didn't have turkey burgers on the menu today. So dangerous times require drastic measures. I enlisted my workout partner's aid and she came to the rescue! Did she fly in my turkey burger mini sliders like relief efforts during a natural disaster? It felt like it, as she quickly drove to my job and presented me with the food relief that my hunger pains required.
They say, trouble don't last always, but more trouble was just around the corner. After eating my lunch, I absentmindedly tossed the extra brown bag that I brought to work into the garbage can. It wasn't until I returned to my desk and started working on another task when I realized that within that plain, brown paper bag, lay my afternoon snack of 8 almonds! Not again! This time, there was no rescue for me, only patience to make it home after work to grab these new, salty, nutty friends of mine! A 20 oz bottle of spring water also helped to satisfy the afternoon cravings. So tonight and tomorrow, I'll make sure that everything is packed to prevent a repeat from today.
Well that's it for now. Gotta go check the lunch bag (LOL!) and get ready to watch the new season of The Biggest Losers! ;-)
My Word for Today: Recovery
"Pain is temporary, glory…lasts forever!" - George Best
That's what I keep reminding myself of today as I threw myself out of bed this morning. After the total body strength training workout that we did yesterday, my quads, hamstrings, and calves were in total shock and agony this morning! ;-( For those of you who remember and/or watched The Carol Burnett Show many years ago, you may remember the character of the secretary, Wanda Wiggins for Mr. Tudball and the way she walked. Well that's sort of how I was walking today except much slower. Perhaps, my walk could be described more like the old lady character from her show instead. LOL! No matter which character best describes this walk, trust me, it was painful and remained with me the rest of the day. As I hiked the 10 mile walk from the parking lot to my cubicle today (it's not really that far, but pretty long from the parking lot to the back of the office building), I kept chastising myself for not soaking in a hot tub last night or doing a cool down stretch after that killer workout. Each time I sat at my desk for more than 20 minutes, then got up to move around the office, my quads screamed, "Mercy, mercy, me!"
But there's no rest for the weary, no pain, no glory, and all that jazz! After the work day, I traveled home to do my third workout for the week: Pilate's! Can you say, "OUCH!"

Although some of the 30 minute routine was calming and a good stretch for my tight muscles, most of it brought more torture to my achy joints that were similar to yesterday's routine. Nonetheless, I made it through the routine and was happy I remained committed. ;-)
Thanks to my dietitian, I've created a meal plan for the week. Thanks to all of the Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, and Weight Watchers' commercials that encourage you to use their prepackaged diet plans, I've created my own cost effective version by putting together some plastic containers and zipped lock bags of food that I can eat at home or at the office, or just out and about.
But as you know, the Murphy's Law adage, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," came into play today against my well laid plan. I grabbed my prepackaged, bag full of lunch, snacks, and water and headed out the door with the determination that I was going to stick with my meal plan even though I would be surrounded by the temptation of my favorite restaurants, the company cafeteria, and co-workers who love to share their high caloric snacks and meals with you. Things were going good...I had my lemon water first thing as I read my emails and created my To Do list for the day. Three hours later, I headed to the refrigerator to get my orange for my mid morning snack and that's when I discovered....I had remembered to pack, the mini slider buns, the lettuce and tomatoes, the Daiya cheddar cheese, the ketchup and mustard packets, but NO TURKEY BURGER MINI SLIDERS!!
During such a food crisis, I tried to remain calm. I would not order delivery or go to the food court in the mall. I would not eat from the greasy grill in the company cafeteria and I would not beg my co-worker for a can of tomato soup (ugh!). Honestly, I did consider the company cafeteria, but they didn't have turkey burgers on the menu today. So dangerous times require drastic measures. I enlisted my workout partner's aid and she came to the rescue! Did she fly in my turkey burger mini sliders like relief efforts during a natural disaster? It felt like it, as she quickly drove to my job and presented me with the food relief that my hunger pains required.
They say, trouble don't last always, but more trouble was just around the corner. After eating my lunch, I absentmindedly tossed the extra brown bag that I brought to work into the garbage can. It wasn't until I returned to my desk and started working on another task when I realized that within that plain, brown paper bag, lay my afternoon snack of 8 almonds! Not again! This time, there was no rescue for me, only patience to make it home after work to grab these new, salty, nutty friends of mine! A 20 oz bottle of spring water also helped to satisfy the afternoon cravings. So tonight and tomorrow, I'll make sure that everything is packed to prevent a repeat from today.
Well that's it for now. Gotta go check the lunch bag (LOL!) and get ready to watch the new season of The Biggest Losers! ;-)
My Word for Today: Recovery
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 3 - January 3, 2011
The adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover," is so true. Today, I created my own version of this common expression, "Don't judge the exercises by the number of repetitions or the sample pictures," cause this sh%^ is still hard! LOL! Today was our second workout session and focused on a total body strength training workout. We alternated between the use of a 20 pound barbell and a pair of 5 pound dumbbells. Again, my mind has to readjust to the fact that I'm not where I used to be, and although this routine might not have been as challenging then, it's definitely INSANE today! My workout partner and I agreed that we would still do 3 sets, but would reduce our repetitions to 12 for each set. After I couldn't make it pass 10 reps with the first routine, I knew it was going to be downhill from there (as far as the number of reps!). ;-0
The following is the killer routine:
First Exercise: Barbell Front Squat to Push Press - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 20lb barbell weight
Second Exercise: Thrusters - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 5lb dumbbell weight
Third Exercise: Single-Arm Reverse Lunge and Press - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 5lb dumbbell weight
Fourth Exercise: Barbell High Pull - 3 sets, 8, 8, 8 reps, 20lb barbell weight
Fifth Exercise: Barbell Jump Shrug - 3 sets, 8, 8, 8 reps, 20lb barbell weight
Sixth Exercise: Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 5lb dumbbell weight (Note: The picture shows an example of this exercise using the kettlebell because I couldn't find a picture with the dumbbell.)
The following is my first Vlog after this killer routine:
There is a little monster that lurks around, flashing images of cookies, muffins, cake, ice cream, anything carbs in my mind! LOL! This monster I'm getting to know very well as the sign of hunger pains. It always stalks me after I haven't eaten in about two to three hours or when I haven't eaten enough calories. It's a little frustrating when the very foods my dietitian has told me to limit myself to (i.e. carbohydrates) is the very thing that allows me to meet my 1,500 caloric intake each day. Without the carbs, the lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables that I eat I'm not getting too far past 1,000 calories. ;-0 It's amazing how many vegetables you can eat without overloading on calories but even if I eat a ton of green beans or collards, I still feel empty. Last night, I went to bed feeling light and empty and a part of me was happy to have that feeling since previous heaviness and acid has given me heartburn and a rumbling tummy. The other part of me that had the munchies was dying for some CARBS!
This morning after the workout, I revisited my food plan and was happy to see that the calories would at least hit closer to the mark than yesterday. Today's diet is a total of 1,452.50 calories and that's mainly because of these scrumptious turkey burger sliders I made from a recipe that I discovered in fitness guru, Jackie Warner's book, This is Why You're Fat. It falls under her snack section, but I used it as my lunch by adding these new Pepperide Farm mini slider buns and some Daiya cheddar cheese to the mix. It's super easy to make and really does fill you up (recipe below). Because I did a strength training routine today, I added an extra recovery supplement to my Pineapple Cocktail Smoothie mix and that also helped to increase the calories. Tonight, I'll have a Bird's Eye steamed pasta veggie dish that will also contribute to an increase in the calories. But I know the only reason the calories are high is because of the slider buns and meat, recovery supplement mix, and the pasta in tonight's dinner. By Wednesday, my caloric intake was going to drop to under 1,000 because it's my off day from working out and I wouldn't be drinking a smoothie before my workout. I'm also substituting the turkey burger sliders for a turkey sandwich for lunch.
After trying to figure out what other veggies or protein I could add to my diet to increase the calories, I finally decided to add more healthier carbs during my lunch and as a snack to bring the caloric count closer to 1,500. I found these lovely healthy choices during a hunger pain attack today as I walked through Publix grocery store. Yes, I was back at the store again! This time for a new snack idea. I came across three different kinds of dried vegetable chips, humus, salsa, and guacamole that I can add to my diet; and then I ran out of the store as quickly as I could because the aromas of warm, baked bread was also calling my name! LOL!
Even though the workout routine was a killer today and the hunger pains are tempting, I still continue to feel good about this new life and all that the future has promised. I'm also enjoying the opportunity to learn from and share with others that are going along this same journey. Thank you for your comments and support!
My Word for Today: Focused
Turkey Burger Mini Sliders
20 oz Ground Turkey
1/4 cup of barbecue sauce
1 tbsp of Dijon mustard
Seasons To Taste: seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder
Pepperidge Farm Mini Slider Buns
Tomato Slices
The adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover," is so true. Today, I created my own version of this common expression, "Don't judge the exercises by the number of repetitions or the sample pictures," cause this sh%^ is still hard! LOL! Today was our second workout session and focused on a total body strength training workout. We alternated between the use of a 20 pound barbell and a pair of 5 pound dumbbells. Again, my mind has to readjust to the fact that I'm not where I used to be, and although this routine might not have been as challenging then, it's definitely INSANE today! My workout partner and I agreed that we would still do 3 sets, but would reduce our repetitions to 12 for each set. After I couldn't make it pass 10 reps with the first routine, I knew it was going to be downhill from there (as far as the number of reps!). ;-0
The following is the killer routine:
First Exercise: Barbell Front Squat to Push Press - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 20lb barbell weight
Second Exercise: Thrusters - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 5lb dumbbell weight
Third Exercise: Single-Arm Reverse Lunge and Press - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 5lb dumbbell weight
Fourth Exercise: Barbell High Pull - 3 sets, 8, 8, 8 reps, 20lb barbell weight
Fifth Exercise: Barbell Jump Shrug - 3 sets, 8, 8, 8 reps, 20lb barbell weight
Sixth Exercise: Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 3 sets, 10, 8, 8 reps, 5lb dumbbell weight (Note: The picture shows an example of this exercise using the kettlebell because I couldn't find a picture with the dumbbell.)
The following is my first Vlog after this killer routine:
There is a little monster that lurks around, flashing images of cookies, muffins, cake, ice cream, anything carbs in my mind! LOL! This monster I'm getting to know very well as the sign of hunger pains. It always stalks me after I haven't eaten in about two to three hours or when I haven't eaten enough calories. It's a little frustrating when the very foods my dietitian has told me to limit myself to (i.e. carbohydrates) is the very thing that allows me to meet my 1,500 caloric intake each day. Without the carbs, the lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables that I eat I'm not getting too far past 1,000 calories. ;-0 It's amazing how many vegetables you can eat without overloading on calories but even if I eat a ton of green beans or collards, I still feel empty. Last night, I went to bed feeling light and empty and a part of me was happy to have that feeling since previous heaviness and acid has given me heartburn and a rumbling tummy. The other part of me that had the munchies was dying for some CARBS!
This morning after the workout, I revisited my food plan and was happy to see that the calories would at least hit closer to the mark than yesterday. Today's diet is a total of 1,452.50 calories and that's mainly because of these scrumptious turkey burger sliders I made from a recipe that I discovered in fitness guru, Jackie Warner's book, This is Why You're Fat. It falls under her snack section, but I used it as my lunch by adding these new Pepperide Farm mini slider buns and some Daiya cheddar cheese to the mix. It's super easy to make and really does fill you up (recipe below). Because I did a strength training routine today, I added an extra recovery supplement to my Pineapple Cocktail Smoothie mix and that also helped to increase the calories. Tonight, I'll have a Bird's Eye steamed pasta veggie dish that will also contribute to an increase in the calories. But I know the only reason the calories are high is because of the slider buns and meat, recovery supplement mix, and the pasta in tonight's dinner. By Wednesday, my caloric intake was going to drop to under 1,000 because it's my off day from working out and I wouldn't be drinking a smoothie before my workout. I'm also substituting the turkey burger sliders for a turkey sandwich for lunch.
After trying to figure out what other veggies or protein I could add to my diet to increase the calories, I finally decided to add more healthier carbs during my lunch and as a snack to bring the caloric count closer to 1,500. I found these lovely healthy choices during a hunger pain attack today as I walked through Publix grocery store. Yes, I was back at the store again! This time for a new snack idea. I came across three different kinds of dried vegetable chips, humus, salsa, and guacamole that I can add to my diet; and then I ran out of the store as quickly as I could because the aromas of warm, baked bread was also calling my name! LOL!
Even though the workout routine was a killer today and the hunger pains are tempting, I still continue to feel good about this new life and all that the future has promised. I'm also enjoying the opportunity to learn from and share with others that are going along this same journey. Thank you for your comments and support!
My Word for Today: Focused
Turkey Burger Mini Sliders
20 oz Ground Turkey
1/4 cup of barbecue sauce
1 tbsp of Dijon mustard
Seasons To Taste: seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder
Pepperidge Farm Mini Slider Buns
Tomato Slices
- Coat a table top grill with Pan Spray.
- Combine the ground turkey, barbecue sauce, and Dijon mustard.
- Use the seasons to taste.
- Form into 10 to 12 mini patties.
- Place patties on the table top grill and coat to your preference of done. (Note: Add lettuce, tomatoes, and low calorie cheese to the sandwich for extra flavor and veggies.)
Single Serving Size:
Total Servings:
10 to 12
493.5 (Note: The veggie chips in the plate are not included in the calories listed.)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 2 - January 2, 2011
It's been 24 hours since I embarked upon the rest of my life as a healthier person. So far, so good. ;-) I committed myself to a 43 minute exercise routine, a planned diet for the day, and grocery shopping for more healthy foods. There were two times throughout the day that I was tempted or thought about cheating on this new routine: (1) while shopping for groceries at Whole Foods, and (2) while watching TV later in the evening. The familiar habits of eating off of Whole Foods' hot bar quickly resurfaced as I headed towards the deli for my lunch. The only thing that stopped me was the fact they didn't have my favorite Jerk chicken on the hot bar. Thank God for small miracles, eh? The rest of the day was cool except for a minor headache that I think was more related to the new glucose medications not the new food regimen.
Later in the evening after eating my last snack for the day (a bag of 100 calorie popcorn), I found myself lusting over the food commercials and recipes in a fitness magazine. The urge for something savory or sweet resurfaced. We cleaned the refrigerator out earlier that day of most of the trigger foods, but we still had leftover vegan lasagna from Friday evening. I envisioned that rich, gooey, soy cheese melting in my mouth and the sweet, spicy tomato sauce electrifying my taste buds. The temptation was almost too much until reality set in painfully quick!
Instead of immediately giving into the urge to eat the high caloric meal, I looked over some previous before and after pictures and compared them to the ones that I had taken earlier that day. I compared my November pictures to yesterday's pictures and couldn't believe how quickly my body had begun to change for the worse after falling off the weight loss wagon! ;-( Through strength training my body started forming into the early stages of a V-shape like the bodybuilders have and my tops were fitting bigger on me because my stomach and back were reducing in size. Now, in less than two months, these changes were being undone!
I couldn't believe how fast the damage had been done, but I quickly became a believer of staying consistent with this new way of life. Gone were the cravings for that lasagna or anything else, and remaining was the satisfaction of knowing that I had made it through the first day of the rest of my life.
Today is the next step as I continue to surround myself with positive reinforcements. Not only is it important to clean out the refrigerator, but it's also important to clean out the space that you habitat. I've created a home gym that needs to be surrounded by cleanliness and light. So it's time for cleaning the house, opening the windows, and washing the workout wardrobe. ;-) Thus far, the day has started off right with a good breakfast of Tofu Scramble (recipe below), sharing this blog with you, and continuing to walk in the faith of knowing that each day offers the opportunity to make a difference in my life.
My Word for Today: Faith
Tofu Scramble
8 oz Nasoya Extra Firm Tofu
1/4 cup diced red pepper
1/4 cup diced yellow pepper
1/4 cup diced orange pepper
1/2 cup diced medium tomato
1/2 cup sliced portabello mushrooms
1 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup shredded Daiya cheddar cheese
Seasons To Taste: seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder
It's been 24 hours since I embarked upon the rest of my life as a healthier person. So far, so good. ;-) I committed myself to a 43 minute exercise routine, a planned diet for the day, and grocery shopping for more healthy foods. There were two times throughout the day that I was tempted or thought about cheating on this new routine: (1) while shopping for groceries at Whole Foods, and (2) while watching TV later in the evening. The familiar habits of eating off of Whole Foods' hot bar quickly resurfaced as I headed towards the deli for my lunch. The only thing that stopped me was the fact they didn't have my favorite Jerk chicken on the hot bar. Thank God for small miracles, eh? The rest of the day was cool except for a minor headache that I think was more related to the new glucose medications not the new food regimen.
Later in the evening after eating my last snack for the day (a bag of 100 calorie popcorn), I found myself lusting over the food commercials and recipes in a fitness magazine. The urge for something savory or sweet resurfaced. We cleaned the refrigerator out earlier that day of most of the trigger foods, but we still had leftover vegan lasagna from Friday evening. I envisioned that rich, gooey, soy cheese melting in my mouth and the sweet, spicy tomato sauce electrifying my taste buds. The temptation was almost too much until reality set in painfully quick!
Instead of immediately giving into the urge to eat the high caloric meal, I looked over some previous before and after pictures and compared them to the ones that I had taken earlier that day. I compared my November pictures to yesterday's pictures and couldn't believe how quickly my body had begun to change for the worse after falling off the weight loss wagon! ;-( Through strength training my body started forming into the early stages of a V-shape like the bodybuilders have and my tops were fitting bigger on me because my stomach and back were reducing in size. Now, in less than two months, these changes were being undone!
I couldn't believe how fast the damage had been done, but I quickly became a believer of staying consistent with this new way of life. Gone were the cravings for that lasagna or anything else, and remaining was the satisfaction of knowing that I had made it through the first day of the rest of my life.
Today is the next step as I continue to surround myself with positive reinforcements. Not only is it important to clean out the refrigerator, but it's also important to clean out the space that you habitat. I've created a home gym that needs to be surrounded by cleanliness and light. So it's time for cleaning the house, opening the windows, and washing the workout wardrobe. ;-) Thus far, the day has started off right with a good breakfast of Tofu Scramble (recipe below), sharing this blog with you, and continuing to walk in the faith of knowing that each day offers the opportunity to make a difference in my life.
My Word for Today: Faith
Tofu Scramble
8 oz Nasoya Extra Firm Tofu
1/4 cup diced red pepper
1/4 cup diced yellow pepper
1/4 cup diced orange pepper
1/2 cup diced medium tomato
1/2 cup sliced portabello mushrooms
1 cup fresh spinach
1/4 cup shredded Daiya cheddar cheese
Seasons To Taste: seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder
- Open the container of Nasoya Extra Firm Tofu and drain the water.
- Place the block of Tofu onto two sheets of paper towel so that some of the excess water can continue to drain.
- Heat a non-stick skillet with a pan spray.
- Place the drained Tofu into the hot pan and use a spatula to break the block into crumbles (similar to the look of scrambled eggs).
- Allow the crumbled Tofu to heat in the pan.
- Season to taste with the seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.
- Place all three colors of the diced peppers into the skillet.
- Stir the peppers into the crumbled Tofu.
- Allow the peppers to soften.
- Place the mushrooms into the pan.
- Stir the mushrooms into the Tofu mixture.
- Allow the mushrooms to soften.
- Place the diced tomato into the Tofu mixture.
- Allow the tomato to soften.
- Taste the Tofu mixture to determine if more seasoning is required.
- Season to taste if more seasoning is required.
- Place the Daiya cheddar cheese into the Tofu mixture.
- Stir in the Daiya cheddar cheese.
- Place a top over the skillet and reduce the heat on the stove.
- Let the mixture simmer for two to three minutes.
Single Serving Size:
Total Servings:
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 1 - January 1, 2011
Name: Shonia Brown
Age: 41 years old
Height: 5'5"
Hometown: Atlanta
Current Weight: 223lbs
Goal Weight: 150lbs
Workout Routine: 5 days a week that include 1 day of total body strength training and 4 days of high intensity cardio/aerobics with two days of rest.
I've been excited about today for the past week! It's probably the first time in a long while that I've been anxious to experience a loss. After spending the last two years in a whirlwind of stress, depression, and crisis, I'm ready for a new "me" and definitely a new attitude. Honestly, this new attitude was seeping out of my pores by the middle of last year, when I first started to experience signs of weight loss. However, the clarity of how I needed to continue my life didn't occur until the end of 2010. I guess, it's probably best for me to rewind to 2010, so that this new day will make more sense. ;-)
January 2010, marked the beginning of a 5 month transition project after being in a two month training program for a new job. The project required all of the new hires to travel from Atlanta, GA to Dayton, OH every month for a two-week knowledge transfer. We were to learn everything the former employees knew from them before they were terminated because the company was in the process of relocating its corporate headquarters to Atlanta. In the midst of the bitter cold weather and bitter spirits of the former employees, Dayton was challenging for this southern gurl. LOL! But I weathered the storms with a few bumps and bruises, specifically, reoccurring chest colds and stomach viruses.
Oh, I need to mention that before I took this new job, I had spent 8 months out of work and was grieving over the loss of my mother after she loss her battle with pancreatic cancer. In addition to losing my mother and my job, I also loss the connection with several of my extended family members and longtime friends. I quickly learned that people handled "death" in very different ways and the way that the movies depicted "families" and "death" was completely different from my real life experiences. So as I dealt with those losses, I tried to fill the empty spaces with sleep and more sleep, food and more food, and TV and more TV. Suddenly, I found myself at the largest weight that I had ever been. I even experienced a period of time that I couldn't eat after a bout with acid reflux that left my esophagus so inflamed that it was painful to eat. But after a trip to a gastro doc and a few weeks of Aciphex, I was back to eating poorly again minus the carbonated drinks and dairy products. Even with this food scare, I still didn't address the weight issue. Not even when I saw pictures of myself on my 40th birthday, did I truly understand what I had done to myself.
I just bought new clothes at a much larger size when I got the new job and kept on eating the way I did until my travels to Dayton began to impact my health. I couldn't eat a lot of fattening food without having a terrible stomach ache. So I started drinking lots of liquids: water and grape juice and I ate soups and turkey sandwiches for lunch, and crab legs or fried rice for dinner. Surprisingly, those foods didn't bother me as much as others did, but I still wasn't well.
Within two months of traveling, I discovered that I had loss 20 pounds and was now able to get into a size 18 bottom and a size 22/24 top. Previously, I was in a size 20 bottom and a size 26/28 top. At first I was happy about this new size loss but still a little afraid about the stomach problems and chest colds. The first thing that came to my mind was that I might be suffering from the same cancer that my mother died from. She had also loss weight drastically and had complained of stomach issues. So I went to my internist when I returned to Atlanta and was reassured that I wasn't dying and she encouraged me to continue to lose the weight because of my hypertension and pre-diabetic conditions.
This time, I paid attention to my weight issue and began to workout more and eat better. Within the next month, I loss more weight, and more specifically, I loss tons of inches. I eventually started traveling with Tony Horton's DVD workout series, P90X and noticed an even bigger change in my clothes after the 5 month transition project was over. I was now in a size 14 bottom and a size 22 tops. The top weight wasn't coming off as quickly as the bottom weight, but I happily donated all of my 26/28 suits to a local charity and ran to the mall to buy smaller clothes.
I also noticed my bra sizes were steadily decreasing but with the loss of fat in my chest, I discovered one of my new frenemies, my stomach! LOL! Even though I was really enjoying the endorphin rush every time I worked out, seeing just how big my stomach was and overall upper body in comparison to my new sculpted legs and bottom half was depressing. ;-(
My second frenemy added to the depression: physical illnesses. When you see shows like The Biggest Loser that document drastic weight loss and health improvement for the participants within 90 days, you believe that this can also be accomplished in an ordinary situation. But I soon learned that what's made for TV wasn't necessarily made for me. First, there's no way that I could devote 8 hours a day to working out unless I quit my job and had a sponsor who paid my rent, my telephone bills, my car note, etc. LOL! And the medical issues that I've struggled with most of my adult life isn't going to vanish so quickly just because I started eating better and working out more. In fact, I soon learned that more issues would arise during this new weight loss regiment.
Everytime I thought I was doing good with the weight loss or a new workout routine, two months into this new program, I would become fatigued, or my hypertension or blood sugar levels would spike. These problems always halted my weight loss because I would have to take a 30 day break to get proper rest or change/add medications. I had this same issue again for the third time in October of 2010, and decided to take off the next two months from my routine and go completely beserk with poor food choices even after getting down to a size 12 bottom and size 18 top! ;0
What I noticed during this hiatus from my routine was a return of the depression and a complete abandonment of a regimented food routine. I filled up on desserts, fried foods, juices, and anything I could get my hands on that wasn't nutritionally smart. Surprisingly, I also noticed that many of the stomach issues and food allergies that I had been plagued with most of my adult life, didn't bother me during this free for all splurge and I can only attribute that to the power of the previous weight loss routine. But slowly and surely, the pounds and inches, the cramps in my knees, the winded breath, and the lower back pains returned. Because of these side effects and many other reasons, I promised myself that the new year would not enter with me continuing this self-destructive behavior.
So now that you have a glimpse of where I came from, you will understand more about where I'm going...and I'm not doing it alone. I've enlisted the help of others, especially my internist and dietitian, more on that to come. I also have a workout partner and three dogs that will help encourage me to stay active. This morning we started with an evaluation of our current physical state, a pre-workout meal of a great smoothie (read the recipe below and try it), 43 minutes of strength training and cardio/aerobics with Billy Blank's Boot Camp DVD, and our grocery list armed with healthy protein, fruits, and vegetables to acquire for our first week of the new beginning of the rest of our lives.
One of the most important things that I've learned during this journey thus far, is that there are three key factors to a healthier me: consistency, diet, and exercise. It's clear to me now that in order to be successful with recreating a healthier me, I have to remain consistent with what I eat, how often I exercise, and how I nourish my mind and soul. The workout and exercise log that I'm using encourages you to focus on these areas each day of your workout. I plan on arming myself with other tools that will help me with this as well. More to come on that subject too. ;-)
The food that I intake is also important and must remain consistent. I'm not on a special fad diet or using the latest diet pills or supplements. I'm eating to nourish my body not my emotions. I'm eating the way I plan to for the rest of my life not just a designated period of time to lose the weight.
Exercise is imperative as well. Many of the diet programs that we see advertised on TV and in magazines, glaze over the importance of exercise and focus more on reducing your calories or counting points, etc. But exercise is a kindred spirit to your diet. It's the strength and beauty factor you need to get an overall healthy physique. It also helps you to age gracefully and not become riddled with broken bones or fatigue. A combination of strength training and cardio is an excellent exercise program and one that is often debatable, but not for me. I've seen what strength training can do to help me lose tons of inches even when I'm not losing tons of pounds. I've also seen how strength training can tone and fortify my body to remove aches and pains from my knees and back. It's given me the power to open heavy doors or tight bottles with ease. It's also reshaping my body into a more sculpted and attractive physique. But don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking cardio either. I've seen the exciting results that come from the endurance, weight loss, and flexibility of a cardio program. I could go on and on about this, but I won't. I'll end today's Blog with my word for today and the smoothie recipe that I promised, as well as this thank you to those who read this, leave their feedback, and become inspired to make a difference in their lives.
My Word for Today: Inspired
Pineapple Cocktail Smoothie
Name: Shonia Brown
Age: 41 years old
Height: 5'5"
Hometown: Atlanta
Current Weight: 223lbs
Goal Weight: 150lbs
Workout Routine: 5 days a week that include 1 day of total body strength training and 4 days of high intensity cardio/aerobics with two days of rest.
I've been excited about today for the past week! It's probably the first time in a long while that I've been anxious to experience a loss. After spending the last two years in a whirlwind of stress, depression, and crisis, I'm ready for a new "me" and definitely a new attitude. Honestly, this new attitude was seeping out of my pores by the middle of last year, when I first started to experience signs of weight loss. However, the clarity of how I needed to continue my life didn't occur until the end of 2010. I guess, it's probably best for me to rewind to 2010, so that this new day will make more sense. ;-)
January 2010, marked the beginning of a 5 month transition project after being in a two month training program for a new job. The project required all of the new hires to travel from Atlanta, GA to Dayton, OH every month for a two-week knowledge transfer. We were to learn everything the former employees knew from them before they were terminated because the company was in the process of relocating its corporate headquarters to Atlanta. In the midst of the bitter cold weather and bitter spirits of the former employees, Dayton was challenging for this southern gurl. LOL! But I weathered the storms with a few bumps and bruises, specifically, reoccurring chest colds and stomach viruses.
Oh, I need to mention that before I took this new job, I had spent 8 months out of work and was grieving over the loss of my mother after she loss her battle with pancreatic cancer. In addition to losing my mother and my job, I also loss the connection with several of my extended family members and longtime friends. I quickly learned that people handled "death" in very different ways and the way that the movies depicted "families" and "death" was completely different from my real life experiences. So as I dealt with those losses, I tried to fill the empty spaces with sleep and more sleep, food and more food, and TV and more TV. Suddenly, I found myself at the largest weight that I had ever been. I even experienced a period of time that I couldn't eat after a bout with acid reflux that left my esophagus so inflamed that it was painful to eat. But after a trip to a gastro doc and a few weeks of Aciphex, I was back to eating poorly again minus the carbonated drinks and dairy products. Even with this food scare, I still didn't address the weight issue. Not even when I saw pictures of myself on my 40th birthday, did I truly understand what I had done to myself.
I just bought new clothes at a much larger size when I got the new job and kept on eating the way I did until my travels to Dayton began to impact my health. I couldn't eat a lot of fattening food without having a terrible stomach ache. So I started drinking lots of liquids: water and grape juice and I ate soups and turkey sandwiches for lunch, and crab legs or fried rice for dinner. Surprisingly, those foods didn't bother me as much as others did, but I still wasn't well.
Within two months of traveling, I discovered that I had loss 20 pounds and was now able to get into a size 18 bottom and a size 22/24 top. Previously, I was in a size 20 bottom and a size 26/28 top. At first I was happy about this new size loss but still a little afraid about the stomach problems and chest colds. The first thing that came to my mind was that I might be suffering from the same cancer that my mother died from. She had also loss weight drastically and had complained of stomach issues. So I went to my internist when I returned to Atlanta and was reassured that I wasn't dying and she encouraged me to continue to lose the weight because of my hypertension and pre-diabetic conditions.
This time, I paid attention to my weight issue and began to workout more and eat better. Within the next month, I loss more weight, and more specifically, I loss tons of inches. I eventually started traveling with Tony Horton's DVD workout series, P90X and noticed an even bigger change in my clothes after the 5 month transition project was over. I was now in a size 14 bottom and a size 22 tops. The top weight wasn't coming off as quickly as the bottom weight, but I happily donated all of my 26/28 suits to a local charity and ran to the mall to buy smaller clothes.
I also noticed my bra sizes were steadily decreasing but with the loss of fat in my chest, I discovered one of my new frenemies, my stomach! LOL! Even though I was really enjoying the endorphin rush every time I worked out, seeing just how big my stomach was and overall upper body in comparison to my new sculpted legs and bottom half was depressing. ;-(
My second frenemy added to the depression: physical illnesses. When you see shows like The Biggest Loser that document drastic weight loss and health improvement for the participants within 90 days, you believe that this can also be accomplished in an ordinary situation. But I soon learned that what's made for TV wasn't necessarily made for me. First, there's no way that I could devote 8 hours a day to working out unless I quit my job and had a sponsor who paid my rent, my telephone bills, my car note, etc. LOL! And the medical issues that I've struggled with most of my adult life isn't going to vanish so quickly just because I started eating better and working out more. In fact, I soon learned that more issues would arise during this new weight loss regiment.
Everytime I thought I was doing good with the weight loss or a new workout routine, two months into this new program, I would become fatigued, or my hypertension or blood sugar levels would spike. These problems always halted my weight loss because I would have to take a 30 day break to get proper rest or change/add medications. I had this same issue again for the third time in October of 2010, and decided to take off the next two months from my routine and go completely beserk with poor food choices even after getting down to a size 12 bottom and size 18 top! ;0
What I noticed during this hiatus from my routine was a return of the depression and a complete abandonment of a regimented food routine. I filled up on desserts, fried foods, juices, and anything I could get my hands on that wasn't nutritionally smart. Surprisingly, I also noticed that many of the stomach issues and food allergies that I had been plagued with most of my adult life, didn't bother me during this free for all splurge and I can only attribute that to the power of the previous weight loss routine. But slowly and surely, the pounds and inches, the cramps in my knees, the winded breath, and the lower back pains returned. Because of these side effects and many other reasons, I promised myself that the new year would not enter with me continuing this self-destructive behavior.
So now that you have a glimpse of where I came from, you will understand more about where I'm going...and I'm not doing it alone. I've enlisted the help of others, especially my internist and dietitian, more on that to come. I also have a workout partner and three dogs that will help encourage me to stay active. This morning we started with an evaluation of our current physical state, a pre-workout meal of a great smoothie (read the recipe below and try it), 43 minutes of strength training and cardio/aerobics with Billy Blank's Boot Camp DVD, and our grocery list armed with healthy protein, fruits, and vegetables to acquire for our first week of the new beginning of the rest of our lives.
One of the most important things that I've learned during this journey thus far, is that there are three key factors to a healthier me: consistency, diet, and exercise. It's clear to me now that in order to be successful with recreating a healthier me, I have to remain consistent with what I eat, how often I exercise, and how I nourish my mind and soul. The workout and exercise log that I'm using encourages you to focus on these areas each day of your workout. I plan on arming myself with other tools that will help me with this as well. More to come on that subject too. ;-)
The food that I intake is also important and must remain consistent. I'm not on a special fad diet or using the latest diet pills or supplements. I'm eating to nourish my body not my emotions. I'm eating the way I plan to for the rest of my life not just a designated period of time to lose the weight.
Exercise is imperative as well. Many of the diet programs that we see advertised on TV and in magazines, glaze over the importance of exercise and focus more on reducing your calories or counting points, etc. But exercise is a kindred spirit to your diet. It's the strength and beauty factor you need to get an overall healthy physique. It also helps you to age gracefully and not become riddled with broken bones or fatigue. A combination of strength training and cardio is an excellent exercise program and one that is often debatable, but not for me. I've seen what strength training can do to help me lose tons of inches even when I'm not losing tons of pounds. I've also seen how strength training can tone and fortify my body to remove aches and pains from my knees and back. It's given me the power to open heavy doors or tight bottles with ease. It's also reshaping my body into a more sculpted and attractive physique. But don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking cardio either. I've seen the exciting results that come from the endurance, weight loss, and flexibility of a cardio program. I could go on and on about this, but I won't. I'll end today's Blog with my word for today and the smoothie recipe that I promised, as well as this thank you to those who read this, leave their feedback, and become inspired to make a difference in their lives.
My Word for Today: Inspired
Pineapple Cocktail Smoothie
1 cup of Rice Dream Milk (non-dairy)
2 oz of Nasoya Silken Tofu (non-dairy)
2 caps full of a liquid vitamin of your choice
½ cup of frozen Dole Pineapple chunks
Blend all ingredients in a mixer/blender.
Single Serving Size:
Total Servings:
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