Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 65 - March 6, 2011

Death by Chocolate...

I haven't posted a blog in a few days, but I've had exercise and healthy eating on my mind and body. ;-) Thursday was a GREAT workout but it was also very taxing on my body.  I took Friday off as a rest day and although my body thanked me for it, my mind was still on overdrive and really wanted to workout. ;-0 I'm so glad that I've finally gotten to that point where exercise is not a chore but a pure pleasurable moment.  Now on to mastering my food habits.

Speaking of mastering food habits, I had a run in with chocolate yesterday.  After seeing a great movie, I headed to the grocery store for lunch and was presented with a sweet, dark temptation that I couldn't resist.  One of the Publix grocery store demonstrators was advertising Pillsbury new mini brownie packs. These small bite size chocolate brownies are pre-made and can be stored in your refrigerator for freshness (that's what the directions on the package instruct you to do).  They are sinfully good and addictive.  ;-0 I thought I would be able to handle the temptation and bought two packages...they were on sale for 2 for $5.00 and the demonstrator gave me a $1.00 coupon so I got the two for $4.00. Lawd, lawd, I was in control for about 30 minutes but later on that night, I loss complete control and demolished the entire package. I still have one left. ;-0 I'm going to try very hard to remain in control next week and only eat the serving amount as a snack each day.  The product doesn't have to be bad for my diet if I can actually gain control of my need to have an abundance of things that I cater to my sweet tooth.  Other, than that, I had my treat meals over the weekend but I didn't splurge too badly.

Next week...

The goal is to reduce my calorie intake even more and stay away from the carbs.  Although I don't gain weight behind eating carbs at 1,500 calorie a day max, the weight loss is much slower than I think it should be considering the amount of exercise I'm doing on a daily basis.  So I'm reducing the calorie count to 1,200 calories from Monday - Friday, and a 1,500 calorie count on the weekends.  Pray for me, as this new change will be extremely challenging but worth the effort if it works. ;-)

Energy Abundance...

As you know, I've struggled with energy issues for some time now.  Well I'm happy to share that the energy is in abundance these days. I'd like to thank the Academy...LOL! No seriously, I'd like to thank my liquid vitamin, B12, and Green Tea.;-)  I also purchased liquid Ginseng on Friday and I'm adding it to my energy cocktail that also includes soy milk and frozen cut fruit.. ;-) Next week, I'll let go of the energy drinks too. Oh Lawd! No more energy drink and reduced calories for my diet.  This is going to be the start of something...good, I pray.

My Word for Today:  Excited

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