Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59 - February 28, 2011

Phase 2 of P90X Lean, Here I Come...

Today marks my first day of Phase 2 Lean workout.  It was a great, sweaty workout that got my blood pumping and endorphins jumping! LOL! I decided to increase the intensity after reading an article on Yahoo! and increased the size of the weights that I used during the Core Synergistics routine.  It was challenging and definitely gave me a good workout.  Today, I also had an increase in hunger but I didn't splurge. I'm getting used to these sporadic moments of hunger and then other instances where I feel full and can eat even less than what I normally eat.  I tried out one of the recipes that the Publix grocery store demonstrator performed last week for dinner and it was very tasty alongside my vegan Caesar Salad. ;-) Yummo!

My energy level today was much better than before. Although I find myself getting sleepy at work, I merely credit that for the mundane routine that I follow as a writer of ATM software. ;-0 I'm grateful for my job, but I have to admit, there's no excitement in developing technical user guides.  The 8 hour gig just makes me long more and more for my freedom to bring it with "P90X" each and every day. ;-)

My Word to Today:  Energy

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58 - February 27, 2011

On the Seventh Day...

I did "10-Minute Trainer" with Tony Horton! I did the Leg routine to culminate my Recovery Week of Phase 1.  Next week, I move on to Phase 2, which should be even more challenging. ;-) Thus far, I've been able to fight against the fatigue that I was experiencing and have armed my body with the supplements that I needed to get the energy pumping in my veins and to feel alert throughout the day and during my workouts. ;-)

Addicted to Food...

Did I ever tell you that I was a foodie? One of my weaknesses is the joy of cooking and eating great tasting food.  I've tried to make sure that if I do cook or when I do eat food these days that it's as healthy as it can possibly be.  But sometimes those old temptations get the best of me, especially when it comes to pastas and breads. ;-0 Today, I found myself at the grocery story this morning after that great workout, combing through the aisles in search of ingredients for a dish I wanted to make today.  A few days ago, I watched one of the cooking demonstrators at Publix put together a chicken caciatore that was simple and tasty, so I thought I could do a low fat version of it, and skip the blue cheese and butter biscuits that she made to accompany the dish. ;-) Did I tell you how much I love Publix and the people that work there? I absolutely love, love, love Publix and their people as much as I love Whole Foods. The lady that had performed the demonstration was there today and helped me find all of the ingredients that I needed as well as convinced me to take more recipes home and share them with others. ;-) You gotta love those Publix people, they help me continue my addiction with food. LOL!  Antiwaze, I bought a few other things and a couple of items from Whole Foods to round off my day, but all in all, I think I have handled the food addiction in a healthy way.

A Picture's Worth a 1,000 Pounds...

Yesterday, I took my 30 day pics for the end of this phase and would like to include pics from the end of January when I started this process and yesterday's pics.  You be the judge, can you tell the difference thus far?

My Word for Today:  Encouragement

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 57 - February 26, 2011

Till The End Of...

Recovery Week! Yeah!!!! Yesterday was scheduled for Cardio X but after a bad bout with a stomach virus, I chose to skip the workout and get some R&R.  I also gave myself a splurge meal or two. ;-0 Well, it's confession time.  I had a healthy breakfast and mid morning snack, but I skipped lunch due to not feeling well.  So by the time I left work, I was starving and feeling a little emotional.  You ladies know how it is once a month you go through that emotional time which can often be the catalyst to fatigue and hunger. So I ate but with a few compromises. ;-) I had a frozen yogurt from a new local dessert place and a burger from Chilli's restaurant.  Instead of having an order of fries like I would normally do, I chose cole slaw for my side. I ate the food and didn't feel too guilty but I also promised myself that I wouldn't continue my splurge throughout the entire weekend.  I'll keep you posted. ;-)

Today, I got up very early for my normal Saturday wake up to get in my Cardio X workout before a trip the barber. I'm really excited to take my 30 day pics this weekend and hopefully I will see a little progress. I've been reading the blogs on and most people say that they didn't see any major results until 60 days, so at least that helps me to set more realistic expectations.  But the good news is, I checked the scale this morning, and so far I haven't gained any weight and have kept my 10 pound weight loss from this week. ;-) Now on to maintaining that or losing even more over the weekend.

My Word for Today:  Determination

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 55 - February 24, 2011

Stretch X Day...Oh What A Relief It Was...

Today was an easier workout for me, thank God! LOL! I was really looking forward to the calmer, stretching routine instead of the higher intensity workouts from this week.  My body thanked me for unwinding, relaxing, and resting its weary joints and limbs. My eating habits today were also still very good.  I haven't been tempted by my co-workers' food choices, and I haven't had too many thoughts of bad food items.  I just hope that I'm just as successful over the weekend. Wish me luck or pray for me, whichever you choose. ;-)

My Word for Today:  Rest

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54 - February 23, 2011

Low Calorie Spells Weight Loss For Sure...

Okay, I broke one of my promises to myself...I weighed today instead of waiting until next Monday. ;-( Shame, shame...not really! LOL! I was pleasantly surprised by the 5 pound weight loss.  This new low calorie routine is truly working and I don't feel deprived at all. I cut back on some of the carbs and sweets, and the Lean Cuisine lunches are tasty but not fattening. ;-) Today, I had lunch with a co-worker and wasn't tempted to splurge.  We did get take out, but I made sure that I calculated the calories before making my selection. I got an order of sushi that was a total of 244 calories and ordered an extra lunch portion of chicken stir fry with veggies and 1 cup of brown rice for dinner.  Both meals were satisfying and again, low calorie.

Today's workout was Kenpo X and my third workout for the week. It was challenging, especially since my legs and hips were already sore.  The kicking and jabbing gave me an excellent workout. ;-)  But I'm glad tomorrow is Stretch X, and more of a recovery day than this supposedly recovery week. LOL!

My Word for Today:  Satisfied

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 53 - February 22, 2011

You Call This Recovery...

This is my second day of the recovery week and I feel like it's just another day of a normal week in Phase 1.  Today was Core Synergistics and it kicked my beehive! LOL!  But as usual, once it was over, the endorphins were running high and I was glad that I made it through the workout.  Today is my second day of a better diet and was a little challenging considering today was also an emotional day.  But despite the hunger pains and emotions running high, I stuck to the plan and I'm glad for it. ;-)

My Word for Today:  Committed

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52 - February 21, 2011

The Low Calorie Challenge Begins...

Today, I started my low calorie diet plan.  Surprisingly, it wasn't difficult to do throughout the day. I didn't have any unusual hunger pains and I didn't cheat.  For the most part, the early meals were similar to what I normally eat.  Breakfast was still a protein sausage and toast, which was a little bit lighter on the calories than the previous English muffin with scrambled eggs, and Daiya cheese added to the protein sausage. My snacks included both almonds and an orange, which incorporated more fruit in my diet than before. ;-) My lunch included a Lean Cuisine meal that was sweet and spicy and a perfect 280 calories.  Today's workout routine was one of Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" routines and it pumped me up, made me sweat, and got the endorphins flowing, in a short 10 minute time frame. My kind of workout. ;-) Dinner was a grilled turkey burger w/o a bun, vegan Caesar Salad, and a cup of Garden Brown Rice.  I ended the meal with a slice of homemade banana bread. Yummy! ;-) And of course, throughout the day I took my supplements:  B12, Green Tea, Energy Drink sips, Slow Fe Iron tablet, Liquid Vitamin, and Recovery Drink, and I feel wonderful!  The iron pill is different version than I've taken before and I'm praying that the slower release time will be easy on the stomach and heavy on the energy! LOL! Wish me luck!

My Word for Today:  Energy

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51 - February 20, 2011

The Third Time's the Charm...

Today, I finished the third week of Phase 1 of the Lean Program for "P90X."  I'm really proud of the fact that I've stuck with the program so far and haven't allowed myself to use any excuse not to perform the workouts.  What's always amazing to me is how quickly time flies once you get into a routine.  The first week of this phase was ROUGH! I was soooo exhausted and sleepy, and the workouts just seemed too difficult because of my lack of energy.  I didn't think I was going to make it, but something inside kept pushing me towards my weekly goal. ;-) The second week wasn't as bad as the first due to my caffeine highs. LOL! But I still struggle with the food plan which was plagued with caffeine, sugars, and fried foods. But I just couldn't seem to get enough to eat or I used the caffeine and sugar for energy.  The third week, the workout routine was automatic and I knew no matter what, I would find a way to get my workout in each day.  Food was still a challenge, but it was this week that I decided to subcumb to a lower calorie meal plan for my fourth week.  So next week's challenge won't be if I will complete my workout routine, but will I be able to stay committed to a good, healthy, low calorie diet plan.  I'll keep you posted. ;-)

My Word for Today:  Faith

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 50 - February 19, 2011

Return to P90X...

Today's workout was Legs and Back with "P90X."  My routine changed a little bit because I did an impromptu trip to a resort for two days. ;-) My eating habits weren't the best but I didn't use the two days away from home as an excuse not to least.  So Thursday morning I did the 10 Minute Trainer workout routine and on Friday, I rode a bike and walked the kiddies around the resort.  When I returned home this afternoon, I only hesitated for an hour before I pushed play on the DVD player and did my Legs and Back Routine. Tomorrow is Kenpo X and next week is what Tony calls a recovery week.  Translation for recovery week means no strength training, but cardio is still very much a part of the plan.  I've also decided to work on reducing my calories and eating more "clean" next week. Although I'm disciplined with the workouts, I definitely need to work on my food intake to see the full results of my efforts.

My Word Today:  Reality

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 48 - February 17, 2011

10 Minute Challenge...

This morning I started my workout routine bright and early at 5:30a.m. ;-0 As I mentioned in previous blogs, I hate, hate, hate, YogaX and was glad to learn that others aren't too happy about this routine within the "P90X" program either. You know how misery loves company. LOL! Well, instead of using today as a REST day or switching to another 45 to 60 minute routine, I decided to substitute YogaX with one of Tony Horton's 10 minute routines.  As discussed before, these 10 minute workouts can be killer even though they're not very long.  Today was no exception to that reality as I conquered the Core Challenge for 10 minutes. It was rough, tough, and great all at the same time. ;-) The great thing about it is, I've knocked out my workout for the day and feel rejuvenated this morning.   I have to switch up my routine this week due to some other obligations but I'm not missing a day.  Instead of working out on Friday and Saturday and using Sunday as a rest day, I'm actually taking Friday as a rest day sort of, and working out Saturday and Sunday with the "P90X" routine.  However, Friday will be more active than normal as I enjoy a bike ride and a game of golf. ;-0 This will be my first time playing golf, so wish me luck, and I guess you never forget how to ride a bike. LOL!

My Word for Today:  Energy

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46 - February 15, 2011


Energy overload today, ladies and gentlemen! Today's workout with Cardio X was great! I had the energy needed to do the 44 minute workout without strain. ;-) I felt good, it was good, and everything is Kool and the Gang! LOL! I'm still not sure what's given me this burst of energy (e.g. Energy Drink, B12 supplement, Green Tea supplement, Life, etc.), but I ain't knocking it. Tomorrow is one of my favorite workouts:  Shoulders and Arms and I can't wait to carry this energy over into Wednesday.

My Word for Today:  Power

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45 - February 14, 2011


Today marks the third week of the Phase 1:  Lean Program of "P90X," and I'm bringing it with Tony Horton and his crew! I was a little hesitant to perform the Core Synergistics workout today but after an energy drink (yes, I know, I know, I promised to let them go), I was flying high! Literally, this workout felt great and although I sweated and struggled through some of the routine, it was just what I needed today and I'm looking forward to Tuesday's Cardio X routine! ;-)

My Word for Today:  Energy

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43 - February 12, 2011

Second Week's Over...

Well I made it through the second week of Phase 1 - Lean of "P90X"! This week wasn't as difficult as the first week because I wasn't fighting the issues with sleep and fatigue as much.  Those little demons are still here just not as bad. ;-0 I started taking B12 and Green Tea Liquid supplements yesterday and hopefully I will begin to see more signs of energy in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted. ;-) Next week I'm going to try to do my workouts without the use of energy drinks. OMG! Although they give me a quick jolt of a false sense of energy, I think they're wreaking havoc on my gut. ;-( So it's back to using my vitamins, the "P90X" recovery drink, and a wish and prayer. LOL! I"ll keep you posted on this too.

I'm still anxious to see some major results, but I also understand that they will show up when they're ready to show up. It's been hard staying consistent but I know that this is truly something that is for my good and something that I can do for me and only me. So I'm staying on the course to what I believe is the "right" path for me.

My Word for Today:  Determination

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41 - February 10, 2011

10 Minutes of Pure Sweat...

Today was my semi rest day.  Instead of doing the Yoga X routine, I decided to use this as a rest day.  Well first, I thought of incorporating a different workout routine, like Cardio X or Kenpo X.  Then I watched Tony Horton's "10 Minute Plyometrics" workout routine last night and decided to do that routine today.  But as I sat at work today and dealt with some office drama, I thought about foregoing any sort of workout.  The usual suspects started lurking around in my mind and whispered sweet doughnuts and chili dogs in my head. LOL!  But as I drove home today, the determination that I've been feeling as of lately got rid of the negative voices and inspired me to go through with the 10-minute Plyometric routine.

It was tough, it was rough, it was painful, it was just what the doctor ordered. ;-) As usual, Tony Horton made me a believer and helped me to do "my best and forget the rest!"

My Word for Today:  Perseverance

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40 - February 9, 2011

Time for the Gun Show....

Today was Xcellent with the Shoulders and Arms Routine - "P90X."  It's my third day of the second week of Phase 1:  Lean Program and I'm loving the break from the high energy cardio.  I've joined the Beachbody Message Board and have received a lot of information from a female point of view on increasing my energy and setting realistic expectations for results.  Most of the women encourage drinking the Shakeology meal replacement shake for energy and to expect to see results from the workouts within 60 days or later.  As much as I struggle with energy issues, I just can't see investing $130.00 a month in this miracle smoothie.  A part of me really wants to know if it works, but I think I'm going to have to stick with the current "P90X"  Recovery Drink, a liquid vitamin, and getting more sleep.  I'm glad to know what I should expect when seeing results.  Like most, I wish I could see instant changes but Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was my belly fat. LOL!

I had planned on giving myself a REST day tomorrow instead of the Yoga X routine, but think I might try the "One-On-One 10 Minute Trainer" series with Tony Horton. The routine I want to do is Plyometrics and should be intense enough for a good workout but short enough so that I won't be too exhausted. I'm previewing it as I write this blog, but will give you the facts Jack after I do it tomorrow evening. LOL!

My Word for Today:  Xcellent!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39 - February 8, 2011

Second Time Around...

This week is my second week of Phase 1:  Lean - P90X.  I can't say that it's getting any easier as of yet, but I'm happy that I'm still with it.  Today, I wasn't really feeling like working out and even thought about skipping today and calling it my REST day, but I changed my mind and dug into Cardio X.  Cardio X is actually one of my favorite routines within the program.  It's a sample of  different "P90X" routines:  Yoga, Kenpo, Core, and Plyometrics and it's only 40 minutes long.  It's a perfect routine to do after a previous day of Core Synergistics, which is a killer! LOL!  Tomorrow is a strength training day and yet another routine that I look forward to, especially since it focuses on upper body, an area that I desperately need to improve.

Although I'm a good self-motivator, I do from time to time, struggle with finding positive support from others. This week started with a feeling of isolation and frustration because I really wanted to have more energy than I do for each workout and just overall more energy and alertness throughout the day.  I decided to join the Beachbody Message Board and discovered that I'm not the only one that has struggled with adjusting to the challenging routines of "P90X."  Reading their stories and hearing similar accounts made me feel as if there's hope for me to make it through 90 days and beyond. I've just got to remain patient with myself and this journey and have faith that my body will adapt to the routine and I will grow leaner and stronger each day.

My Word for Today:  Patience

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37 - February 6, 2011

And on the 7th Day...

I'm resting. ;-) This week has been extremely busy with the normal day job routine as well as my new "P90X" routine.   The energy drinks kept me functional but there was definitely some adjustment needed.  Yesterday was the usual errands, household chores, and a catchup on TV shows that I missed during the week.  Today is a semi rest day as I do a little lounging on the sofa in between preparations for next week (cooking, ironing, etc.).  What I've learned so far during this first week is...

  1. Low calorie is good as long as it doesn't equate to starvation or doesn't support an active lifestyle.  Eat enough to accommodate the strength and endurance you will need for your workout routine.
  2. Moderation and modification protects your body and ego. LOL!
  3. An adequate amount of rest is just as important and probably even MORE IMPORTANT than the number of days you exercise.  Without proper nutrition and rest, your body won't function at its peak to do the workout routines that you demand of it.
  4. Pounds loss matters to our minds and egos, but what really matters is how you look and feel:  the inches loss and the happiness gained.
My Word for Today:  Rest and more rest!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36 - February 5, 2011


Today was my last workout routine for the week, Kenpo X! I made it to my goal and didn't miss a day. ;-) Tomorrow is considered a rest day or stretch day and I definitely need to unwind these tight muscles.  It was great to sleep in this morning and I don't feel as tired as I normally do before an active day. ;-) I did however, come to the conclusion that until I'm at the ultimate place of tip top shape, I can't do the aggressive schedule of a 6 day workout that "P90X" requires.  I know that Tony says that we should do some form of exercise every day and I don't disagree with that logic, but I don't believe that every day has to be as strenuous as the workouts in "P90X."  I truly believe that your body has to be given a time to rest and not just one day of rest but at least two.  So next week, I plan on working out 5 days a week with two rest days, one rest period in the middle of the week and one rest period at the end of the week.

So now off to enjoy the rest of my weekend. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend too! Go Steelers! For all those Steelers' fans.  Tomorrow I will be pretending to know a thing or two about football. LOL! What will you be doing? Whatever you do, have a great time doing it!

My Word for Today:  Energy

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35 - February 4, 2011

TGIF and one more Day to Go of P90X!

Thank God It's Friday and I've made it through my fifth day of "P90X!" ;-) I wasn't that great with my eating habits today because I didn't bring my lunch to work and ended up skipping lunch all together. I had a previous engagement with a co-worker who canceled on me and with the dreary weather in Atlanta today, I wasn't interested in going outside alone or settling for the greasy food in our company's cafeteria.  Today was also the doughnut club day in our department and I splurged with half of a chocolate cake doughnut from Dunkin Doughnut. It wasn't too bad on the calorie count, only 145 calories for half and I got to be a good co-worker by sharing with someone else. ;-) LOL!  I took in a full can of nos energy drink which helped throughout the day and through my Legs and Back routine with "P90X" and now I'm bouncing off the wall with a "false sense of energy" ready to take on my next task...EATING! LOL!

Today is my cheat day and I've chosen Chilli's as my drug...I mean, food supplier of choice. LOL! Tomorrow it's back to a healthier eating program and Kenpo X (sort of like kickboxing) with Tony Horton.  So thanks for sharing this first week of "P90X" with me and here's to more days of Bringing It!

My Word for Today:  Endurance

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34 - February 3, 2011


Okay, here's the skinny...or the fatty, whichever you prefer on weight loss. LOL!  First, I want to always be honest with myself and with you whenever I talk about my journey through this lifestyle change.  What I've always found to be frustrating is when you listen to others talk about their journey and they are vague or paint a picture perfect story for you.  Never fear that I'll ever be vague or make it seem like it was an easy journey for me, cause it's far from that.  In fact, today was one of those days full of frustration and doubts.  Today, I was exhausted from the current exercise routine, probably suffering from withdrawal symptoms from lack of the fattening and sugary sweet foods of old, and a little jittery from all of the caffeine in the energy drinks I consumed today. ;-0 Yes, yes, I have to confess and admit that I've been hyping it up with the energy drinks. I know they're not the best methods for energy, but they have been the only resources that I've been able to get some results from.  I've tried the vitamins, the teas, the water, and nothing keeps me going like an energy drink.  But even today, the caffeine Gods couldn't help me. LOL!

To make matters worse, today is Yoga X day and I hate, hate, hate, yoga!!! Did I say, I hate yoga? I HATE YOGA!!!!!!!! Okay, I know, that's a bit extreme, but that's just how much I hate it. Out of all of the workouts within the "P90X" program, Yoga is a painfully lonnnnnnnnnggggg 90 minutes! Well, this is where the moderation and modification came into play for me today.  Because I just couldn't get through all of the twists and turns, and planks, and runner's poses, and everything above, below, and in between. LOL! So I did 25 minutes of the program.  Now the perfectionist in me, saw this as a failure.  I really wanted to do the program EXACTLY like it's set up instead of my previous modification of the program.  But honestly, I don't know if I'll ever like yoga and I don't want to dread any parts of "P90X."  So I've decided to remove yoga from my routine and substitute an extra round of Kenpo X or Cardio X or a rest day in its place.  I pray that this doesn't negatively effect my progress. ;-(

I also wanted to have "perfect" eating habits this time around. I wanted to ensure that I had the lean cuts of meat, lots of vegetables, minimal starches, and absolutely no desserts unless in the form of fruit.  But even that's not realistic for me.  This sort of restriction only increases the binge tendencies.  So I'm willing to forgo the quick and drastic weight loss that all of the diet programs and reality shows promise you, and slowly move towards my ultimate goal of a lifetime of good health and well being. I know I've said this before, but I'm beginning to truly understand the importance of this promise to myself. 

So many people are desperately trying to find the quickest way to get to that weight loss goal they don't even care what harm they might be doing to their bodies, nor do they realize that they're setting themselves up for failure.  I was talking to a co-worker today about her weight loss program and she was really hyped about the 17 pounds that she had recently shed within 3 weeks after going on a 600 calorie a day shake diet. ;-0 She was continuing down this path by now increasing her diet to two apples a day and two grilled chicken salads. When I asked her about her exercise routine, she told me that she didn't like to exercise, so she was working out only two times a week.  I held my tongue, as she talked about taking diet pills along with this routine. I kept thinking about how hungry I was feeling eating 6 times a day of healthy snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with some soy ice cream for dessert; and I couldn't imagine the pain she was putting her system through to see this quick weight loss. I would be absolutely crazed if I starved myself like that.  I would also be even more exhausted than I am now, if I tried to eat like that and exercise the way I'm currently exercising.  But we all want to see those pounds drop and that number go down on the scale, sometimes, at any cost.

As difficult as it is for me to exercise patience, I promise myself today, to take it slowly and be gentle with myself.  I promise to celebrate the small as well as big accomplishments.  I promise to enjoy the process more and spend less time trying to be perfect.  I promise myself to spend the rest of the life I have, being good to me and loving me the way I should have so many years ago. 

My Word for Today:  Patience

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33 - February 2, 2011



Today, was Shoulders & Arms, and Ab Ripper X.  It's amazing how a 60 minute workout can be easier than a 15 minute workout...but that's exactly how it was today.  ;-0 The strength training for 60 minutes was great! I moved through all of the exercises with enough of a challenge that gave me the burn I needed but wasn't too challenging that I couldn't keep good form or hurt myself.  I was so hyped from the workout that I almost forgot that I had an extra 15 minute workout of ab exercises...and this is where the pain came in! ;-(  Tony Horton even admits that he has a love/hate relationship with this routine and he's the master! LOL! So imagine what it was like for a newbie like me.  But with modification and less reps, I made it through this strenuous routine and all for the better.

My Word for Today:  Ouch!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 - February 1, 2011

Do Your Best and Forget the Rest...

That's another one of my idol, Tony Horton's sayings.  It's also an adage I live by in more than just when I exercise.   Today, I was met with fears of the past and although I didn't let those fears tempt me into eating poorly or foregoing my Cardio X routine with Tony Horton, the sadness distracted me throughout the day.  But when I made it home, popped in the Cardio X DVD, and pressed play, the struggles of the day were pushed aside as I brought everything I could to my workout.  Like yesterday, I was amazed at how my body had grown and was capable of doing with the extreme workout routine.  I could do the Yoga section longer than before and I could actually do some plyometric moves without too much of a strain.  The exhilaration of putting my all into this workout and having my body support me, was just what the doctor ordered. ;-)

Tomorrow's strength training and I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with Tony and his crew until the very end!

My Word for Today:  Determination