Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 57 - February 26, 2011

Till The End Of...

Recovery Week! Yeah!!!! Yesterday was scheduled for Cardio X but after a bad bout with a stomach virus, I chose to skip the workout and get some R&R.  I also gave myself a splurge meal or two. ;-0 Well, it's confession time.  I had a healthy breakfast and mid morning snack, but I skipped lunch due to not feeling well.  So by the time I left work, I was starving and feeling a little emotional.  You ladies know how it is once a month you go through that emotional time which can often be the catalyst to fatigue and hunger. So I ate but with a few compromises. ;-) I had a frozen yogurt from a new local dessert place and a burger from Chilli's restaurant.  Instead of having an order of fries like I would normally do, I chose cole slaw for my side. I ate the food and didn't feel too guilty but I also promised myself that I wouldn't continue my splurge throughout the entire weekend.  I'll keep you posted. ;-)

Today, I got up very early for my normal Saturday wake up to get in my Cardio X workout before a trip the barber. I'm really excited to take my 30 day pics this weekend and hopefully I will see a little progress. I've been reading the blogs on and most people say that they didn't see any major results until 60 days, so at least that helps me to set more realistic expectations.  But the good news is, I checked the scale this morning, and so far I haven't gained any weight and have kept my 10 pound weight loss from this week. ;-) Now on to maintaining that or losing even more over the weekend.

My Word for Today:  Determination

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the emotions of once a month. I not only become more emotional, but I crave snacks like popcorn and chips; crunchy items and some sweets like soft fruit candy are my weakness. Boy, I admire your ability to keep things in prospective and stay focused!
