Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67 - March 8, 2011

The Thrill Is Gone...

That's exactly how I feel about this new 1,200 calorie a day diet. ;-(  I know it's for my good, but Lawd, it's rough!  It's something about feeling deprived or going without carbs that just sucks! LOL! But today is the second day and I'm holding on to the promise of what's to come if I just stay determined and dedicated to this new meal plan.  I'm also a little tired today.  For the past few weeks, I've been taking Fridays as a rest day, which means the rest of the weekend is dedicated to working out, and then I return to the regular workout routine for the next week on Monday. I don't think I've been getting enough of a REST period and it's taking its toll. So I decided, starting this week that I would give myself two days of REST instead of just one. I know this is a different schedule than how the "P90X" program is set up, but I can't keep pushing myself into complete exhaustion.  So I'm going to try and push through the rest of the week until Friday, and take both Friday and Sunday as REST days. ;-) Wish me luck!

My Word for Today:  Frustration

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