Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 101 - April 11, 2011

It's the Cardio REVolution...

I've decided that I definitely need to include more cardio in my workout routine if I want to see more weight loss.  All of the information that I've read including Beachbody message boards, emphasizes the importance of cardio.  As much as I love the P90X routine, I find that my body is sculpting more than actually seeing the pounds fly off.  I know that this isn't a bad thing, but for someone who works out as hard as I do, I need more encouragement.  Plus, if there's anyway to get rid of this fake pregnancy belly, I'm going to try it. LOL!  I spoke with a co-worker that has had great success in losing over 85 pounds and she encouraged me not to be discouraged about the belly. Like other people have said, she agreed that the belly is the LAST thing to go.  She said, she didn't start losing her stomach until the 10th month of her 15 month weight loss program.  Sooooo, I guess, the tummy isn't my worse enemy, just time. LOL!

Oh well, I will learn to appreciate the extra padding until it's all gone instead of "hating" on it. ;-0 Today started my doubles workout program.  Starting this week, I will include cardio for all morning workouts for 5 days a week.  I will also do four evening workouts that will include strength training, ab work, or sculpting.  I figure if P90X is designed mainly to reshape the body, I would leave those workout routines for the evening and utilize my morning workouts for cardio.  There are a few cardio routines within P90X, so those will be reserved for the morning workouts.  I also purchased the new Brett Hoebel, RevAbs Revolution, so those workouts will be reserved for the evening.  I still have my older DVD workouts of Chalean's Turbo Jam, again, cardio routines for the morning.  And Zumba Fitness Exhilirate is on its WAY!!! ;-) I'm looking forward to adding that to my workout routine as well.  And of course, I'm praying that my pull ups will improve with the new Pull Up Revolution tool that's on its way too. I'll give you my reviews of both exercise programs once I try them.

My eating habits HAVE TO HAVE TO improve.  So again, I'm trying to start off the week with a "clean diet."  So far, so good. I did have to rely on my energy drink this morning and this afternoon, and before I workout this evening, I will have another swig or two.  Whatever it takes, I'm dedicated, determined, and dependable, just like our local Channel 5 is! LOL! Stay tuned for more updates.

Oh BTW, Turbo Jam was awsome this morning! Chalean's routine is a bit faster paced than Tony Horton's P90X, but I can appreciate the variety in both of them.  As Tony Horton says, "Variety is the spice of life!"  Keep it Spicy, my friends! LOL!

My Word for Today:  You guess it...Variety! LOL!

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