Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10 - January 10, 2011


Today there was snow, sleet, and ice in Atlanta, Georgia, and the city shut down.  Good news, I get to work virtual, bad news, I have more hunger temptations.  I was successful throughout the weekend with portion control and resisting restaurant temptations, but today was a different story. 

It all began with my mid-morning snack of a 100 Calorie Chocolate Chip Crisps.  I love, love, love those things, but I think they may be adding to my increased hunger. ;-0  After eating the one serving pack, I wasn't satisfied.  I continued to work while still watching the clock for my lunch break.  When it was finally time for lunch, I did my 30 minute step aerobics routine, then devoured my Faux Fried Soy milk Chicken Tenders with Sweet Potato Chips.  It was sooooooo GOOOD!!! I even had three 16 oz bottles of water by then, including a smoothie after my workout.  Yet,  as I write this blog, I find myself with a hunger for more. ;-0 So, I splurged. I had a quick shrimp taco and another bottle of water.

At first, I didn't understand why I had this sudden hunger but then I figured it out.  With the snow day, my routine was disrupted and my well planned "meal plan" suffered for it.  Typically, I would have my breakfast before I left home with a bottle of water, then during the mid morning, I would have a snack, then the afternoon lunch, then later on that afternoon, I would have another snack and a bottle of water, then travel home for a workout, and after the workout, I would have a smoothie, then dinner, then later on that evening, another snack. I know that was a run-on sentence! Sorry. LOL!  My meals were spaced out well enough and I had more distractions within a normal work day that would allow me the opportunity to delay feeding time. LOL! 

What timing do I have for these hunger pains and splurge, eh? LOL! I started my second weight challenge today on

It's an 8 week challenge and each week we have to set our milestones and how we will reward ourselves for achieving those milestones.  My weight loss goal for the 8 weeks is 20lbs, and this week, I've set my milestone for 2.5lbs to lose with a reward of a 2 hour Pamper Me. ;-)  So I better get back on the ball with sticking to my meal plan.

My Word for Today:  Control


  1. I didn't have a great day either. I did my workout, but I kinda played around with it :( But tomorrow is a new day! Thank God!

  2. Awww, my sistah! I feel your pain. LOL! Today's workout was a bust too because I just feel uncoordinated when I do the Salsa routine. I think I may need to adjust my workout rouine and do a different one that will make me feel accomplished and like I'm getting a good workou.
