Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 29 - January 29, 2011


Yes, today was another dance party for the weak and weary.

LOL! I wasn't sure if my body was going to hold up to another day of high energy cardio, but with a smoothie for breakfast and few sips of an Energy Drink, I was ready to Zumba! We were about 15 minutes late for the class, but the 45 minute workout that we received was enough to get the heart pumping, the sweat pouring, and the body aching.  My knees were screaming for a sit down but my spirit was flying high! ;-)

This week culminates my first month of this new healthy attitude and although I've stumbled and tripped over my own two feet from time to time, I know that I'm committed to a healthier way of living because it just feels sooooo good.

As I move into next week's workout routine, I've decided to switch up my program again and return to a workout series that jump-started my weight/inches loss last year, Tony Horton's "P90X."  My goal is to do this program for the next 9 months.  There are three variations of the program:  (1) The Classic, for strength building, (2) The Lean, for weight loss, and (3) The Doubles, for pure athletes looking for an extreme workout. ;-)  My plan is to do The Lean version first, then The Classic, and to wrap things up with The Doubles.  ;-0 Pray for me, because I'm going to need all the prayers and strength I can get to stay committed, strong, and successful with this program.

My Word for Today:  Commitment

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