Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28 - January 28, 2011

It's Time to Party...

That's what Chalean says from's "Turbo Jam Cardio Party" DVD workout. 

But my body felt more like taking a nap and calling it quits. LOL! This is my fourth workout day this week and my second workout for the day.  This morning, I kicked off the day with another one of Tony Horton's "10-Minute Trainer" workouts.  Today was legs all around because Tony started with a tough leg routine and Chalean ended the day with round kicks, back kicks, front kicks, kicks, and more kicks. ;-0  As much as I dreaded the 45-minute workout, I have to honestly say that it was worth it! By the end of the workout, I felt sore, but happy!

Tomorrow, I finish the 5 day workout routine with Zumba! Now that's going to be a really great party! Hopefully, the body will make it for this last day.

My Word for Today:  Party!!!!

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